Practical jokes....... - Printable Version

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- Ken'sPen - 08-28-2002

I was at a friend's party years ago and saw a tin of dog treats. Snausages or some shit like that. Anyway, I cut them up and stuck toothpicks in them and put them on a platter out on the food table.....

I was walking by as his sisters popped one in her mouth. She started chewing and made a horrible face..Then she said, "this shit is nasty, it tastes like dog food"

I could't stop laughing for a long time.....

OK, now your turn.

Edited By Ken'sPen on Aug. 28 2002 at 12:10

- criticslovesnatch - 08-28-2002

Paging Gonzostyle, your presence is needed in the pit...

- fbd - 08-28-2002

he wouldnt tell it last time it came up...what makes you think he'll do it this time?


- Hey Ladi - 08-28-2002

oooo I think I remember the story now!!!! The cousin thought he had a deformed cat! :bouncer: :rofl:

- Ken'sPen - 08-28-2002

I think I heard his "story" on a movie or sit com once.

- Hey Ladi - 08-28-2002

Isn't that better than being the Lifetime Stalker Movie of the week? ;-) :-D

- Ken'sPen - 08-28-2002

I am just saying it's a copy "cat" prank.

- Sean Cold - 08-28-2002

We were hanging out at Finn McCools in White Plains after playing football one day. This twit, John, was as dumb as a brick. Just amagine the dunbest fuck here and then bring the person to the 5th power. Anyways, we stumbled out and walked down the road a little at 2AM. There was this fag bar right down the block and as we passed it, we told this moron that we were going to get into a fight. The story was that my friend Tom's ex girlfriend hung out in there and that she was probally with the dude that she cheated on him with. He may have been dumb, but I will give the bastard credit, he was loyal. So, we described the guy, all lies just making someone up, and sent John in to do recon. He was stoked for a fight so he went into the bone smuggling joint. We all went back to Finn's and left him there.

- Hey Ladi - 08-28-2002

And how is the happy couple, John & his boyfriend, doing?

- Ken'sPen - 08-28-2002

is that how john and Morgan met???

- fbd - 08-28-2002

this is one me and some freinds might do for a senior prank this year...

my school has a belltower, and that gave us 2 ideas. a)put a manaquin(sp?) up there with an unloaded air rifle, or b)bring somebody up with a cap gun, have guys with catsup packets fall on the ground screaming

- Doc - 08-28-2002

There was this guy living on my floor my freshman year of college named Randy. He was a little shit that no one liked, low self esteem, didn't shower often, typical dorky freshman guy. So one Friday, a few of us are drinking, and this guy starts getting hammered. It's like 4:00 pm and this guy is totally rocked. Bear in mind he's not a fun drunk, more of the Asshole, annoying, pity-me drunk. So he gets railed and runs out to the front lawn and starts yelling about how he can't get a chick. He bitches at the top of his lungs about how he can never find a girl who likes him. Then, to top it all off, he begins yelling at full volume "I WANT PUSSY, I WANT PUSSY, I WANT PUSSY!"

We tackled him, dragged him back inside, and threw him into his room where he proceeded to pass out.

OK, sorry for the back story, but it helps you realize how much we had it in for this kid.

So, that night, we decide to play a prank on him (oh, I forgot to mention this guy never had sex's kind of important). So we sneak into his room when he's drunk, throw a condom wrapper on the floor, and spray some perfume we got off my girlfriend on his bed.

When he wakes up the next day, we say our friend Elliot from St. Elizabeth's (commonly called St. Easy's) brought some girls by, and we tell Randy that he woke up, started talking to one of the slutty girls, and then she went back to his room with him. We said we heard some moaning, and then she left about 20 minutes later.

This guy freaked out, he initially didn't believe us, but as time went on, he started to really think it happened. He got so pissed because he felt he missed his first sexual escapade because of how drunk he was, and he was worried about getting a disease from the slutty chick. It was one of the saddest and funniest sights I have ever been priviledged to see

One of my friends girlfriends eventually told him the real story, and he never talked to our group again

- Maynard - 08-28-2002 this thread sucks. :-(

- Ken'sPen - 08-28-2002

Quote:now this thread sucks.

cute.....filling in for your MIA girlfriend???

- Ken'sPen - 08-28-2002

Freshman year at college a girl who was a little full of herself drank too much and passed out on a chair in the lounge...
A friend of hers who couldn't wake her up wrapped her in a blanket.

One guy on the floor had a mini sombrerro shit hat he got somewhere. We put that on her and took a black magic marker and gave her a big frito bandito mustache....

she was really pissed in the morning.

- Doc - 08-28-2002

<div align="center">John and Morgan
sitting in a tree
First come love
Then comes marriage
Then come Maynard with a baby carriage</div>

- PollyannaFlower46 - 08-28-2002

Doc that is the meanest yet funniest story I've ever seen.

- Sean Cold - 08-28-2002 this thread sucks.

Wow, that takes some ballies, considering how bad you suck in the first place.

I can't even remeber what happened with John that night, the memory elludes me. I'll have to call one of the guys to find out how it all ended. Me and my drunken memory.

- PollyannaFlower46 - 08-28-2002

A girl I used to be friends with had this huge crush on someone, and for whatever reason, we picked up dog poop in a bag and left it on his door step with a note that said "I want to fuck the shit out of you."

- Danked - 08-28-2002

Polly made me laugh.

She gets 4 points.