Bizarre news story of the day - Eric lindros a racists? - Printable Version

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- Sloatsburgh - 08-29-2002

I heard about this before I left work. The funniest fucking thing I have ever heard. Two numbers are racists.


Quote:"Target apologizes for any discomfort that may have been caused by the baseball caps and shorts carrying the insignia 88," the company said in a statement. "Target is a family oriented store and company and it is not our intent to carry any merchandise that promotes hate."

So, clothing that has 88 is racists clothing? Better go out and get your Eric Lindros jerseys while you still can.

- Corpsegrinder13 - 08-29-2002

That is officialy the dumbest fucking thing I've ever seen...

- SLASH - 08-29-2002

Quote:"Target apologizes for any discomfort that may have been caused by the baseball caps and shorts carrying the insignia 88," the company said in a statement. "Target is a family oriented store and company and it is not our intent to carry any merchandise that promotes hate."

I think the funniest thing is that in New Jersey there is a highway "Rt. 88" and it goes straight through the center of Kikeville, N.J. AKA Lakewood, N.J.

- Doc - 08-29-2002

In the book series "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" there's a character who feels the whole world has gone crazy so builds an asylum that encases the whole surface of the Earth (it turns out that it's just a square room and he stays inside it)

I'm begining to see his point

Human being have officially stopped evolving and have begun to get stupider. If we continue on this course, I predict that in 20 years, the President of the US will be a houseplant

- Hey Ladi - 08-29-2002

What is Mr Houseplant's views on gun control? :crackhead:

- Kid Afrika - 08-29-2002

"Guns are bad, mmmmmkay?" - President Ficus

- Doc - 08-29-2002

Quote:President Ficus

Really, I thought his name would be Phil. Phil O'Dendrum

Buh dum dum

- PollyannaFlower46 - 08-29-2002

Ummm.....okie dokie day....

- The Sleeper - 08-29-2002


- GonzoStyle - 08-29-2002

Eric Lindros is whatever his daddy tells him he is.

- diceisgod - 08-29-2002

Quote:Eric lindros a racists?

Maybe but he is a pussy.

- Hey Ladi - 08-29-2002

Quote:Maybe but he is a pussy.
so you want to fuck him? ......fag

- PollyannaFlower46 - 08-29-2002

[my ex from high school]Eric Lindross is the dirtiest player in hockey [/mebfhs]

- diceisgod - 08-29-2002

Quote:so you want to fuck him? ......fag
I'd do anything or anyone for a Stanley Cup ....hole

- Noellevious - 08-29-2002


- Kim - 08-29-2002

Here is the entire story:

Target issues nationwide alert to recall white power clothing

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) - Target Corp. said Wednesday that it is recalling baseball caps and shorts from all of its stores after a California customer realized symbols printed on the clothing are a code for "Heil Hitler."

The caps and shorts are imprinted with "eight eight" and "88." Among white supremacists, that stands for "Heil Hitler" because H is the eighth letter of the alphabet.

The Minneapolis-based chain told all of its 1,100 stores to stop selling the clothing. A customer in Davis, California, alerted Target.

"Target apologizes for any discomfort that may have been caused by the baseball caps and shorts carrying the insignia 88," the company said in a statement. "Target is a family oriented store and company and it is not our intent to carry any merchandise that promotes hate."

In an interview with The Associated Press, Target officials declined to comment on whether the clothing came from a branded manufacturer or from their own store label line.

Joseph Rodriguez, a video producer for the University of California, Davis, was shocked when he found the printed symbols on a pair of red shorts at the Elk Grove Target store in June, according to the Sacramento Bee.

He had learned the meaning of the white power code from a documentary on racist rock music. The symbols are commonly used among supremacists in graffiti and is a popular tattoo.

Rodriguez bought the shorts and took them to the store manager. But after being told the store just sells what is shipped, he took his complaint to Target's corporate office, where he said he was "blown off."

Then Rodriguez went to the Southern Poverty Law Center in Montgomery, Ala., which campaigns against racism, tracks racist organizations and runs an educational Web site.

Target officials told the Sacramento Bee that they first learned what the symbols meant on Monday when Rodriguez's complaints were put on the center's Web site.

"As soon as the appropriate people were notified at Target, we immediately moved to have the merchandise pulled from all of our stores," Target said in the statement.


- Keyser Soze - 08-29-2002

Thank you KimWeek.

- Kid Afrika - 08-29-2002

Yeah, thanks kim. Because the link that sloats posted just wasn't good enough. Rolleyes

- Sloatsburgh - 08-29-2002

And I'm the one with one star........