Mad or sad - No, not about drunk driving - Printable Version

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- Doc - 09-11-2002

OK, simple question:
Are you mad or sad about September 11th? Maybe both. Maybe you were one but now you're the other.

I'm a little of both. Right after it happened, I was furious. I wanted blood, I wanted to track down the people who did it and rip their hearts out in front of their children. I didn't even think about all the people who died. It actually took a while to sink in that there were so many innocents that lived through the Hell of being stuck in a building, then having it collapse, and then some that were buried alive.

Now, I think it's all saddness. No more anger, maybe a little frustration, but every time I take the Pulaski and come out from that covered roadway at the Holland Tunnel, I don't get mad when I don't see the towers.

- criticslovesnatch - 09-11-2002

once the shock wore off, i was incredibly pissed off. I remember driving past it with my dad few months later and him saying something like 'its like they raped my soul'....thats pretty much how i felt. Now its just sad. Just hard to think about in general.

- Ken'sPen - 09-11-2002

The whole middle east mess is a tangled fucking knot that is impossible to untie it seems. The reasons and the blame for how these guys were motivated and able to run a suicide run into the WTC is sickening.

And our response has been deplorable.

The Republican's have been trying to lay the bin Laden thing on Clinton (perhaps deservedly so)
But they have had a year to catch him too. And unlike Clinton they have made it a National Priority, and have the World's Blessing, and the blessing of host nations to look for him.

I guess it's not that easy.

But after a year,
a solid year of a war on terrorism,
I wish we could say it was more effective than our war on drugs.

- Arpikarhu - 09-11-2002

i am smad.......or is it samad? one of those

- Hybrid - 09-11-2002

Quote:'its like they raped my soul'

your dad is my new favorite person

- Kid Afrika - 09-11-2002

I see no reason to be pissed off about something over which you have no control. I'm not saddened by the events because it's the kind of shit that happens in the world today. It's just never happened on this scale or in our country.

I think in many ways it was a good thing that this happened. Not that so many innocent people died, but that we finally realize we are not above the rest of the world. We too can and will be attacked.

Think about a boxer that's trained his whole life, he's undefeated and always kicks his opponents' asses. Then one day, he gets in a street fight and a kid half his size kicks him in the ballies and proceeds to stomp the everlovin' shit out of him.

You can't allow yourself to be lulled into thinking your the best and nobody can fuck with you, because that's just when someone will fuck with you.

- Arpikarhu - 09-11-2002

can i change my answer to just sad? is it too late?

- McBourbon - 09-11-2002

Cleveland perspective:

So much of it still isn't real, since most people I know have only seen the whole thing on television. I think I would be more sad if I didn't rely on the media for my impression of what the whole area actually looks like. I even rely on the media for human reactions. that sense, I'm mad. But not really mad about the events that took place. I was too shocked and worried about my friends who I lived with in DC. No offense to the NY sensibilities on here....I was sad for you guys and worried about who would or wouldn't be checking back in......but when I got word of the Pentagon being world flipped upside down because my college sweetheart was working on Capitol Hill and I figured she would be next to get nailed with an AirBus. I spent three tense days waiting to hear that she was okay and not too shaken up by what had happened. So I was more sad, shocked, and worried than anything else. Now......I still am sad for the victims and their families....but so much of it still isn't real to me. It's just a blur of TV images and guys in suits telling me how I should feel.

- Doc - 09-11-2002

Hey K1d, everyone deals with things in their own way, and your's is to rationalize the situation and put things in a larger persective. I just want to get that out of the way so you don't think I'm dismissing what you are saying or your opinion.

With that disclaimer out of the way

Quote:I see no reason to be pissed off about something over which you have no control.
Do you have any emotions or is everything about you that makes you similar to a real human being locked so far away from the surface that you won't let it see the light of day? I'm not saying there is a good reason to be pissed, I know being angry doesn't solve anything, but unless you're a fucking Vulcan who can control his emotions to the point where he utterly cold and unfeeling, I find it strange that you don't feel any anger over a group of people so full of hate that they decided to kill thousands of people and destroy things that meant so much to so many people.

You seem to be like those people who try to explain the reasons for terrorism. You know what I think, the moment you fly a plane into a building and kill inncoent people, you lose you're right to be upset at how you've been wronged. You no longer have the authority to tell someone else what they are doing wrong to you when you actually make the decision to take innocent people's lives just to make a point and scare them

That being said, I still understand where you are coming from, I know there there are a lot of other people who feel like that too. Sometimes I wish I could just turn my emotions off like a switch, but I can't. I guess when I the human race evolves to your level, everyone will be happy. Or maybe they will be so seprated from other people because they have no feelings towards anything

- Arpikarhu - 09-11-2002

i am sorry but i think i might be mad with a touch of sadness.

- Doc - 09-11-2002

Jesus Arpi, go clip a mic onto Joey Fatone or something

- Arpikarhu - 09-11-2002

i am just trying to get in touch with my feelings. i am very conflicted today and your anger is not helping. i thought this was supposed to be a day of healing.

- Kid Afrika - 09-11-2002

I am not always in control of my emotions. I just tend to not be very emotional about things. The most visible emotion I have would have to be frustration. Knowing that, I try to avoid it at all costs.

Quote:I find it strange that you don't feel any anger over a group of people so full of hate that they decided to kill thousands of people and destroy things that meant so much to so many people.
What's to be angry about? I have no face on which to place the blame, and even if I did, I wouldn't be the one to dole out the punishment or seek vengence(sp?). Afterall, I'm not a vengeful person at all.

Also, I guess I kind of see it like this, the attacks were attacks on America, the land of the free and the home of the brave. Many people died to make this country what it is, and many more are going to die to keep it this way. We have gone into other countries and killed and maimed in the name of democracy. These people did the same in the name of Allah (in their minds). Do I agree with the idea of killing innocents? No, of course not. But, I can understand why they did what they did. It was an incredibly strategic move that was amazingly well carried out.

Quote:the moment you fly a plane into a building and kill inncoent people, you lose you're right to be upset at how you've been wronged. You no longer have the authority to tell someone else what they are doing wrong to you when you actually make the decision to take innocent people's lives just to make a point and scare them
As heated as you are, their tactics apparently worked. Look man, as much as we may hate to admit, we know that our country is the adolescent bully of the world. We force our opinion of what is just and fair onto the rest of the world. What gives us the right? We have bigger guns. Well, how about them using "our" planes to wreak havoc on our country.

Understand this...

America is not a perfect country. We are certainly not without our faults. However, this is the best country in the world in which to live. To live here and maintain our lifestyles, we will occasionally have to suffer loss, but one day of terror hardly compares to years of civil unrest and military rule.

I think that the repercussions for the attack on the US should've been all out war. But, I'm not the president or the dude in charge of the military, so I can't make that call. In the mean time, I'm gonna continue to live my fat American lifestyle as long as I can, and I'm not going to waste my time worrying about things that have already happened and are out of my control.

There is a bit of idealism in my theory, but I really want to treat this that way. Watching all of the remembering 9/11 shit on tv has stirred up some emotion in me lately. But that's only because my mother was in lower manhattan a year ago today and made it out about 5 minutes before the first tower came down. In fact, I called my mother last week to let her know that I love her and I'm happy that she is still with me despite being so nearly a casualty in the attacks. See, I have emotion, I just try not to waste them on futile things.

Edited By Kid Afrika on Sep. 11 2002 at 1:59

- Doc - 09-11-2002

Quote:Long-winded response coming soon...


Carpal tunnel, here he comes

Just try to remember, I didn't say you were wrong, we're just different when it comes to these kinds of matter. The only reason I say that is I'd like to keep this from deteriorating into a flame war. I respect you because you have strong opinions on issues and back them up with sound logic. That doesn't mean we always see eye-to-eye, but we're at least able to have a remotley reasonable discussion on it

- Kid Afrika - 09-11-2002

Doc, I have never seen you attack anyone for their opinion. I understand where you are coming from completely. I just had to extrapolate my point (big surprise, I know).

- Arpikarhu - 09-11-2002

i wil assume the 4 minute lag in response time was you referencing your thesaurus.

- Kid Afrika - 09-11-2002

I bet it takes a lot of intelligence and wit to get coffee for joey fatone. Rolleyes

Let's not get snippy there, eh li'l man?

- Doc - 09-11-2002

Holy shnikees, he apparently does have a heart. Who knew?

Pay no attention to Arpi, he always gets a little bitter when he runs out of mousse for Manley Pope's hair

- Arpikarhu - 09-11-2002

i will have you know that joey doesnt drink coffee. so there!! he prefers me to get him water and herbal tea

- Ken'sPen - 09-11-2002

Lay off Arpi,
He is one of the best posters here...
if there was any justice he and I would be made mods.