Fucked up news story for monday, 2/11 - Man, this is just great! - Printable Version

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- Sean Cold - 02-11-2002

Quote:Dead Wrong: She's Alive
EMTs leave Park Slope grandma
on floor for hours

Brooklyn great-grandmother was mistakenly declared dead by paramedics — a blunder that went undiscovered for hours, authorities said yesterday.

Instead of being rushed to the hospital, 77-year-old Frances Foster was left unconscious on the bathroom floor of her Park Slope apartment Saturday as loved ones grieved what they thought was the retired nurse's death.

"I called everyone and had to tell them my mother was dead, then only to call back and say she's alive," said Kim Foster Littlejohn, 40, of Queens. "She could have been at the hospital getting taken care of. What a costly mistake."

She said a medical examiner's official didn't discover her mother was alive until he started to put her into a body bag: "He told me ... she suddenly moved and opened her eyes and he jumped back, startled."

Two paramedics were placed on desk duty and Foster lay in a coma with a stroke yesterday as her daughter and authorities clashed over exactly how long the error went undetected.

Littlejohn said she hadn't heard from her mother for about 10 days. She became worried when she couldn't reach her by phone Saturday and finally called police after the superintendent wouldn't let her into Foster's 10th St. apartment.

Apparent Rigor Mortis

Police had to climb into the seventh-floor apartment through the terrace, and found Foster sprawled on the bathroom floor. Littlejohn said a police sergeant told her "my mother was decomposing and he didn't want me to see her that way."

Kim Foster Littlejohn (r.) and daughter Dorris are angry after EMTs pronounced Kim Littlejohn's mother, Frances Foster, dead ...
Authorities said two city Emergency Medical Service technicians later arrived and declared Foster dead at 2:21 p.m.

Donald Faeth, vice president of Local 2507, which represents the city's 2,600 EMTs and paramedics, said Foster was "cold to the touch."

One of her legs was bent and wouldn't straighten, leading the EMTs to assume rigor mortis had set in, Faeth said. There also was a stench in the air, he said.

Faeth said one of the EMTs has 16 years' experience while the other was "brand new."

After declaring Foster dead, the EMTs left her apartment while police remained to await the arrival of someone from the city medical examiner's office — standard procedure in such cases.

Ellen Borakove, a spokeswoman for the medical examiner's office, said her office was notified of the presumed death at 3:41 p.m. A physician's assistant was dispatched to Foster's home and at 5:35 p.m. reported that Foster was alive, Borakove said.

But Foster's daughter and a neighbor said the mistake wasn't discovered until 7 p.m. — seven hours, they said, after police arrived at the scene.

'Unfortunate Mistake'

... and left her on floor for hours. She was alive.
Foster was taken to the intensive care unit of New York Methodist Hospital, where she was listed in critical condition yesterday, said hospital spokeswoman Susan LaRosa.

Faeth said the ambulance crew that rushed Foster to New York Methodist said the hospital had a hard time finding her pulse. Her blood pressure was apparently only 60, while her body temperature was just 87 degrees.

"It looks like this is an unfortunate mistake," Faeth said.

The EMTs, whose names were not released, will remain on desk duty pending an investigation by a physician. Possible penalties range from a reprimand to termination.

Littlejohn said that her mother, who had worked as a pediatric nurse at Coney Island Hospital for 40 years, hadn't any specific health problems. But she had been in decline after losing her two sons to illness in less than two years.

"After the death of my brothers, she became very sad and very stressed," Littlejohn said. "She stopped paying attention to her diet and started getting frail. It took a real toll."

See, now this is the shit that makes reading the paper so worth it on a Monday. This is beyond a doubt one of the most fucked up things I ever read! I guess that the family should be happy that they didn't bag her as well. Imagine waking up in that sack? Fuck, I could have had this done to a couple of my ex's, think they would have gotten pissy?

- Kid A - 02-11-2002

Ladies and gentlemen, another timely news story brought to you by our own SeanWeek!!! :lol:

I actually saw this story on the front page of a paper while at the deli this morning. Pretty fucking strange. And yet, I resisted the urge to cut and paste the story here. :p

- Keyser Soze - 02-11-2002

Imagine if she never came to while he was putting her in the bodybag. She could have never been discovered to be alive until much later, if even at all. Makes you wonder if the people who are supposed to come to your aid when you're in a situation like this are less interested in keeping you alive than getting you in the bag.

- Sean Cold - 02-11-2002

Dude, you reminding me every day that you were my biggest mistake probally isn't the best way of saying good morning. :fuckoff:

Shit, be happy these EMT's never get anywhere near you when you are modding this place, they would probally hit you up with a toe tag as well. :bouncer:

- Kid A - 02-11-2002


- Sean Cold - 02-11-2002

I guess I should rename this thread "How Kid is a fuckin child and he upped and deleted his account like an asshole"

I guess that means we are down to 100 members now. Time for another poll people.

Shit, if I only knew all I had to do was bust his ballies, I would have done this ages ago. :bouncer: :bouncer:

- IkeaBoy - 02-11-2002

god it's like a horror movie thinking of a nearly 80 year old woman suddenly sitting up right and gasping for air. of course at that age she probably wouldn't sit up right, she'd just like stir a bit and try to move then complain about the tv being too loud .

- PollyannaFlower46 - 02-11-2002

Sean Cold Wrote:"I called everyone and had to tell them my mother was dead, then only to call back and say she's alive
I would've loved to be on the other line for one of those phone calls....too funny.... :roflmao:

- Luna - 02-11-2002

This news story doesn't surprise me. Park Slope is full of idiots.

- Sloatsburgh - 02-11-2002

If they can't tell if you are alive or dead, should you really be allowed to continue and consume resources? :disappointed:

- Maynard - 02-11-2002

Sloatsburgh Wrote:If they can't tell if you are alive or dead, should you really be allowed to continue and consume resources? :disappointed:
Now that's a good point.

- Sean Cold - 02-11-2002

Sloatsburgh Wrote:If they can't tell if you are alive or dead, should you really be allowed to continue and consume resources? :disappointed:
Yeah, that pretty much makes you unqualified for the fuckin job if you ask me. It's like being a Quaterback who can't throw, not much unlike jay Fielder from the Phins. If you can't do whats required, then look for a new job.

Shit, I guess that is like Crybaby Afrika as well :bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer:

- Maynard - 02-11-2002

Quote:If you can't do whats required, then look for a new job.

Shit, I guess that is like Crybaby Afrika as well

- Sean Cold - 02-11-2002

I still think this was a fucked up story, regardless that Kid made it about him. Maybe this was his granny they were talking about?

Ehh, fuck it, life goes on as do we.

- Sluggo - 02-11-2002

Just in case you all wanted to know...
The old bitch died today.

- PollyannaFlower46 - 02-11-2002

Sluggo Wrote:Just in case you all wanted to know...
The old bitch died today.
Ok just imagine being the woman who makes the call:

Hi remember when grandma died the other day and it wasn't real? Yea...well she's really dead now.... :roflmao: