Sims online - Has anyone signed up for the beta? - Printable Version

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- Weird NJ - 10-26-2002

I just got my "Play Test" version in the mail yesterday. I have nothing to report about it tonight, except I just installed and registered it and am now downloading an F'N 16MB patch. I just hope it's worth it.

- 2 tired 2 give N F - 10-26-2002

My friend got it...he's enjoying it and says if the actual game didn't cost so much he'd buy a subscription...

- Danked - 10-29-2002

It's very sad. I don't think he's moved from that seat in 24 hours.

- Hybrid - 10-29-2002

maybe he wants candy, bubble gum and taffy.

- Danked - 10-29-2002

I doubt it. Nobody can pierce that intense concentration he has got going there. He's proud of his "Most Popular House" award or something. :crackhead:

- Luna - 10-29-2002

Weird NJ, what's it like? Is it worth doing? :bouncer: Tell me tell me tell me!!!!!

- fbd - 10-29-2002

me, too...i still need unleashed

Edited By fbdlingfrg on 1035854642

- Luna - 10-29-2002

Unleashed is bonkers. :crackhead:

- fbd - 10-29-2002

good bonkers or bad bonkers?

- Danked - 10-29-2002

:lol: Good luck trying to get him to answer you.

He's in the Matrix. I can't reach him.

- Hey Ladi - 10-29-2002

is that the game where you get an apt & have to have friends and get popular to win & move up? cool

- Luna - 10-29-2002

Quote:good bonkers or bad bonkers?
It has alot of bugs. I've never had any problems with any expansion pack except this one. There are alot of user-made ID conflicts as well as skin ID conflicts. It is in desperate need of a patch.

Quote:is that the game where you get an apt & have to have friends and get popular to win & move up? cool
Yup. Dat's the one.

- Weird NJ - 10-29-2002

Quote:Good luck trying to get him to answer you.

He's in the Matrix. I can't reach him.
Hey just cause I skipped work today it doesn't mean I have a problem.

It's a Damn good game. Its a normal sims game with an online community built into it. You aren't a God anymore. You control nothing of the game except yourself and your house and possesions. And just to mention this here, you have roomates with their own possesions which you have limited access to.

You start a character in a town with 6,000 Simoleons. You can either A) buy a property on a map and start your house and wait for people to show up or B) Bum around the map to different properties and talk to other sims.

The biggest part of the game is the chat system. You just type right onto the screen and your words pop up out of bubble over your head. If you have played The Sims before, you can imagine what the screen must look like. Up to 16 sims, controled by other people, chatting with the words over their heads as they are trying to accomplished the various sim tasks. Everyone see's the same screen.

Basically the rest of the game is right out of The Sims. But the way you play is different. Communicating to accomplish a game, which is rough if your a newbiw, or where to put furniture and walls or just bullshitting around is fun. I like it. I've played for 20 hours on Saturday, 2pm - 2am Sunday, and 4am this morning for most of the day.

I'm a zombie today. Time for a break. :fuggin:

Edited By Weird NJ on 1035859326

- Danked - 10-29-2002

So sad. So very sad.

I never want to hear how I spend too much time on the board.

- Weird NJ - 10-29-2002


:crackhead: Ahh! i can belive I'm fiending for more.

- Hey Ladi - 10-29-2002

Quote:Everyone see's the same screen.
what if you are in your house & no one is there, what screen does everyone else see? their house?

- Hybrid - 10-29-2002

i would just threaten people violently

- Danked - 10-29-2002

There's a lot of different cities, each with hundreds of houses/pseudo-businesses at this point. If you're in a particular house with someone else, you see their movements as they see yours. You walk around the same home. You can visit any number of homes or cities.

- Hybrid - 10-29-2002

can you just enter other peoples houses? that would rock.

- Danked - 10-29-2002

I think so. Up to 16 people are allowed in any home at a time. Looks like you can designate whether roomies/friends/strangers can enter your home or certain areas of your home.