Fuckin financial aid - Lazy ass motherfuckers - Printable Version

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- GonzoStyle - 11-06-2002

This bitch at financial aid tells me I need a copy of my mothers income tax for last year, I have to have it in by tuesday which was yesterday. So I bring it in, she says that I was born before 1979 so I don't qualify for that type of assisstance, I need my income tax and bank book. I don't have it and I asked specifically several times, "is it ok if I bring it in wednesday" she said sure, just bring it in before registration starts at 10.

So I come in today to apply and she says yesterday was the last day to apply, what the fuck? I got all my shit ready to go and all the forms filled out. She says no, I told her she said it was ok if I came in with it today. She called me a liar and that I shoulda came in earlier. Now it is my fault.

So cause of that I couldn't register today and now I have to wait till january to register again. I coulda started class today and with the help of their career center had a part-time job by next week. Now cause of this baboon lookin serena williams knock off, I am fucked.

I went off hard on her, bitch started snapping at me and shit. Then I look like the bad guy cause I raised my voice to a woman.

Fuckin cunt.

- Hybrid - 11-06-2002

you should have ripped her weave off

- LyricalGomez - 11-06-2002


- Hybrid - 11-06-2002

or just walked out. either way.

- HollywoodJewMoses - 11-06-2002

you should have showed her how to masturbate without using your hands :thumbs-up:

- LyricalGomez - 11-06-2002

Kill her and ride her corpse around campus

- GonzoStyle - 11-06-2002

Nothing ever pans out simple for me.

She didn't have a weave, nappy headed bitch. I did call her a twat... yeah!!! She said I was "ignant"

- LyricalGomez - 11-06-2002

I think it's safe to say that whatever advice Hybrid, WBK and I give should be avoided like the bubonic plague

Edited By LyricalGomez on 1036608569

- HollywoodJewMoses - 11-06-2002

was she watching her "stories"

- Hybrid - 11-06-2002

i give good advice

- LyricalGomez - 11-06-2002

Quote:was she watching her "stories"

I just fell down laughing

- GonzoStyle - 11-06-2002

Bitch was burning so much insence my ears were watering over. No "stories" she was listening to reggae and had that tuft of sweat on her upper lip. Greasy bitch.

- Metalfan - 11-06-2002

Dude, go over her head. Go to the head of admissions/financial aid and explain what happened.....just leave out all of the spear-chucking, jungle-bunny references you made to monkey-face. If that doesn't work, set a bag full of shit on fire outside her office and run away quickly.

- GonzoStyle - 11-06-2002

Trust me I tried all that shit today, I was there for 2 hours talking to everyone I could. There was nothing they could do. The best they came up with was for me to come back late december and register for january. I would go from jan-march, instead of november - march, as a p/t student. So I'd get into this semester for a few credits atleast.

- Jack - 11-06-2002

Damn dude.. that fucking sucks. What a fucking cunt. Go postal on her ass.

- GonzoStyle - 11-06-2002

Going postal on a person can do a drive by, seems redundant.

- Metalfan - 11-06-2002

Damned Shaggy approach working for the porch-monkeys again....."wasn't me". Get her back Gonz....have sex with her sister.

- Goatweed - 11-06-2002

It's like I said in chat yesterday, I really hated dealing with these fucking morons when I went to college. My dad has been dead since 1990. It's well documented as far as the state and city is concerned (death certificate, etc.). Anyway, I go to apply and in the beginning my mom was still claiming me on her returns - meaning, I needed to show the her returns. Every fucking time I applied, it would be held up because I "didn't include my father's tax information". And every time I had to drag my ass to the office, make multiple copies of the death certificate, wait on that long ass line, only to tell them the same fuckin' thing over and over. They really are the stupidest people on the planet.

Sorry to hear that Gonzo, I knew you were looking forward to getting into school right away. Normally I would say something like "go over her head and take it up with the admin suits" (as was mentioned earlier), but I learned the hard way that doing this does absolutely nothing but make you look like an ass because those assholes care even less about you than the desk clerks do.

- PeterDragon - 11-07-2002

sorry to hear that gonzo.
financial aid is among the worst bureaucracies, and the people in the office act as if it is their money.

- PlasticMan - 11-08-2002

As with everything else, GET IT IN WRITING. "I can come back tomorrow then? Could you write me a little note, so I can remember that? Grrreeeeaaaaattt." That's the best way to deal with idiots and liars.