What's worse than necrophilia? The NWA - Printable Version

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- Teenweek - 12-05-2002

Quote:We then went live for this week's show, when bagpipe music hit. Rowdy Roddy Piper came to the ring. Piper said he asked the NWA if he could come out and say something, and that nobody knew he was coming tonight in advance. Piper said NWA:TNA was the only place in wrestling that Vince Russo hadn't killed. He said Vince Russo failed to become a wrestler, so that is why he writes "Sports Entertainment". Piper said Russo got everything he wanted, except he still didn't have any talent. Piper said Russo dared someone to challenge him, and that his challenge has just been answered. Piper said a scared kid once had a dream of being a wrestler. Piper pulled out his book, and said he had a dream, and opened to a picture of his family, saying that was his real dream. Piper said Russo was a writer, and then asked who wrote Owen Hart's death. He said suspending Owen above the ring wasn't wrestling, and then accused Russo of never calling Hart's family to see how they were doing. Piper then took off his jacket, revealing a shirt with the names of wrestlers that passed away. Piper then said he was there because wrestling was supposed to be about entertaining fans in the ring.

Vince Russo came into the ring from the crowd, and tried to sneak up on Piper, but Piper backed him into the corner. Piper got right in his face, and asked him if he killed Owen Hart. He then asked Russo how he could take WCW and send it $80 million into the hole. Russo and Piper argued over holding the mic, with Russo saying he would respond if he let him hold the mic. Piper wouldn't, telling Russo that while his time in the ring was over, Russo was also a dinosaur, and needed to go. The Harris Brothers came to the ring, and muscled Russo from the ring. Piper told Russo you never throw rocks at a man with a machine gun. The Harris Brothers took Russo from the ring and sent him back out through the crowd. Piper then plugged his upcoming shoot interview, and left, thanking NWA for giving him the time to talk to the people. He said he was heading to the back to talk to the young talent.

Wildcat Chris Harris came to the ring for his match, but Vince Russo ran out and took the mic. Russo told Harris he respected him, he just wanted to say something. Russo said he would have ripped on Piper, but he didn't want to be sued for defamation of character. Russo said Piper would go straight to Hell for using Owen Hart's name to sell his book. Russo said the NWA doesn't care about the fans. Russo ripped on Jeremy Borash for hyping the crowd up, and he gave Russo the finger. Russo said the fans wanted violence, language, nudity and sex. He said today was the birth of Sports Entertainment Xtreme (SEX). Russo said he was going to give the people what they want. Russo pointed out that every week he sees signs in the crowd for Athena (ring girl who works as a valet on the indy scene). Russo called Athena into the ring. Russo asked Athena how she likes seeing all the signs in the crowd for her, but didn't let her respond. Russo said this show was TNA, and told her to whip out her breasts. When she wouldn't, Russo berated her with a ton of vulgarity. She slapped Russo, and Russo pulled her by the hair in the corner and continued to berate her. Russo slapped her in the corner. The Harris brothers came to the ring, and Athena tripped Vince Russo for a five second catfight. The Harris brothers pulled Athena off Russo, and seemed amused by the whole thing. Russo then asked the Harris brothers if they would tell everyone the truth. One of the brothers took the mic, and said he had been with the company since day one, and that he was sick of the "old man in the ivory tower" in the back. He said that they would do whatever they want now, and that they couldn't be fired because they were with Vince Russo. Then Russo had them H Bomb Athena twice. Security cleared the ring.

How the fuck could they use the Owen hart death to make an angle. What are the bets now for a date, that NWA goes bankrupt?

Edited By Teenweek on 1039093164

- Peachy - 12-05-2002

It's being claimed that the Piper promo was a legitimate shoot, and that Russo actually had no idea Owen's name would be brought up, especially in that matter (namely, Piper blaming Russo, then head writer of the then WWF, of concocting the stunt that ultimately took Owen's life).

Trust me, I do NOT want to defend Russo. If it was an angle, it's yet another example of Russo's tastelessness. But if it was a shoot, then I really have to question Piper's reasons for even raising the issue. If it's to sell more copies of his recently released book, then it's a cheap, disgusting way to go about doing so.

- Teenweek - 12-05-2002

Wasn't Piper in WCW when Sting was doing the exact same thing coming from the roof top. It was an accident. Accident's happen. Russo should not be blamed for that no matter how much of a prick he is. Piper is a douchebag for even mentioning it. There is a difference between having simulated sex with a dead person who is a mannequin and mentioning one of the most tragic events in wrestling history and using it as an angle, to sell books, or just mentioning it in the first place. Even Bret Hart has come to forgive the WWE for what happened as it is reported Bret and Vince are on speaking terms again.

And Vince McMahon should not be blamed for continuing with the show. First off they did not know he was dead right away. Didn't he die on the way to the hospital or was it at the hospital. You had millions of people buying the PPV and thousands in attendance. As tragic and callous as it sounds, it would have been a worse disaster to stop the show.

From this, if it is a shoot, Piper is a bigger Asshole than Russo or HHH could ever be, and if it is an angle by Russo, I hope he gets hit by a speeding train.

- Peachy - 12-05-2002

Quote:First off they did not know he was dead right away. Didn't he die on the way to the hospital or was it at the hospital.

Actually, it's been reported that Owen was killed on impact, due to massive head trauma and a broken neck; however, he wasn't actually pronounced dead until the ambulance arrived at the hospital. Many fans say that they saw Owen's arm raise off the mat shortly after the fall, but that may have been a last spasm.

I have mixed feelings as to whether or not the show should have continued; true, cancelling could have resulted in an riot amoung fans in attendence, many of whom probably would have been absolutely livid at the the thought of being "cheated" out of an entire show. However, it was very obvious that none of the other wrestlers' hearts were into going on. McMahon was stuck in a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" position; I'd like to think he made his decision with his heart, and not with his wallet.

As for Russo, I don't put much blame on him coming up with the stunt (if he was indeed the "mastermind"); wrestlers having been performing that particular stunt for a few years before the fall, and, as the WWF was using the same harness guys that WCW used for Sting, nobody had any reason to think the stunt would go so horribly wrong. In fact, Owen even went through several practice runs that evening (although he did so without wearing the elaborate Blazer outfit, which many claim may have caused the harness mechanism to release too soon).

- Sir O - 12-06-2002

Quote:As for Russo, I don't put much blame on him coming up with the stunt (if he was indeed the "mastermind"); wrestlers having been performing that particular stunt for a few years before the fall, and, as the WWF was using the same harness guys that WCW used for Sting
But, Sting never had a "quick release" on his cable. The plan for Owen was for him to use the release to make it look like he just fell from the roof, or something like that. It was really fucked up to put the guy in danger like that.

As for the Russo/Piper thing, I don't buy for a second that it was a shoot. Bob Ryder is the one reporting that it was a shoot, but Ryder also works for TNA and is just putting whatever spin on it that Russo wants. Russo has a thing for working the "smart" fans and his own workers. Russo is a scumbag.