I have some rare SNES RPGs available - Printable Version

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- sblueman - 12-23-2002

I have collected some rare SNES games that are translated to english and can be played on an emulator (snes9xw or ZSNES). If anyyone is interested feel free to IM me at SBlueman Radio on AIM. Here is a list with links to reviews:

Treasure Hunter G:
This is the last RPG Square made for the SNES. The graphics are amazing, and from what I have played so far the game looks like it is right up there with the other Square games.

Treasure Hunter G Review

This is in essence 7 games in one where you can choose different stories that tie all together in the end.

Live-A-Live Review

Front Mission
This game is another Square classic that never made it to the US.

Front Mission Review

Gunman's Proof
Think Zelda for the SNES with guns.

Gunman's Proof Review

Bahamut Lagoon
Wow, this game is eye candy from Square. One of the best games they ever put out that for some reason we never got to play here in the US. Thank god for emulation!

Bahamut Lagoon Review

Tales of Phantasia
One of the best games ever for the SNES. They came out with "Tales of Destiny" for the PSX that was almost the same game. But as usual the original is better.

Tales of Phantasia Review

Digital Devil Story (Shin Megami Tensei)
Very different RPG from the traditional style where this is played in the first person and is menu driven. But this game is deep and once you get into it very complex.

Digital Devil Story Review

Y's 4 - Mask of the Sun
The 4th installment of the Y's series, it plays similar to the first two versions where you run into the enemies when fighting. Not my cup of tea, but I have it if anyone is interested.

Y's 4 Review