MTA Fair Hike - an affront to capitalism - Printable Version

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- Suzie - 03-07-2003

Well the almost transit strike showed us who REALLY runs the city. The heads of the MTA, people I didn't elect, control how we get everywhere, when and for how much. It's a Catch-22, after the hike millions of straphangers won't be able to afford to use public transportation to come to work, and of course they can't afford to not work in NYC either. Plus their shutting down all part-time token booths, where are all those former clerks gonna work?
I'm pissed.....

- Arpikarhu - 03-07-2003

pataki has fucked the city over so many times its brutal. what else do you expect from d'amatos hand picked boy?

then again, if you cant affors 2 bucks then you should be used for cordwood

- DGW - 03-07-2003

hey letz not get personal here

- Arpikarhu - 03-07-2003


- DGW - 03-07-2003

itz my uncle Al

actually itz just my lazt name

- Arpikarhu - 03-07-2003

thanks for sharing. you contribution has made us all better people. Rolleyes

- HollywoodJewMoses - 03-07-2003


- DGW - 03-07-2003

no problem there martian boy

- Arpikarhu - 03-07-2003

martian boy? you have no funney skillz.

- TheGMANN - 03-07-2003

Im so glad I dont have a car anymore now...THIS FUCKING BITES

- Arpikarhu - 03-07-2003

yeah , cause its all about you.

- Suzie - 03-07-2003

Quote:then again, if you cant affors 2 bucks then you should be used for cordwood

It's not about affording the single $2, altogther its at least an extra $300 a year for the same slow subpar service that you have no choice but take because one agency controlls every train, bus and tunnel.

- Arpikarhu - 03-07-2003

Quote:extra $300 a year
ooooohh! $300. thats a back breaker! Rolleyes

- DGW - 03-07-2003

Arpiz martian dollarz have a good exchange rate with our dollar

- Suzie - 03-07-2003

Yeah, for those of us that just make ends meet $300 is a make or break amount. if your salary just covers your bills, you don't have that extra $300. Guess Starbucks yuppies like you can't fathom that.

- Arpikarhu - 03-07-2003

Quote:Yeah, for those of us that just make ends meet $300 is a make or break amount. if your salary just covers your bills, you don't have that extra $300. Guess Starbucks yuppies like you can't fathom that.
get a real job hippy and stop your whining. fucking patchouli stinking loser. get a haircut!

- DGW - 03-07-2003

yeah thatz it Arpi
you're right on there Rolleyes

- Keyser Soze - 03-07-2003

im picturing arpi in starbucks on his laptop staring out the window giggling at suzie standing outside with a dirty used starbucks cup begging for change to get on the subway

- Suzie - 03-07-2003

WHat's wrong with the length of my hair?

- Goatweed - 03-07-2003

they've been teasing a fare hike for well over a year now - not that it I like it, but I'm not surprised, especially with the city crying poverty at every turn.

Just try to shift your budget for an extra $0.50 - it's not like they doubled it.