I'm Going To The Movies - Printable Version

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- Keyser Soze - 03-29-2003

Should I go see Basic or Head Of State?

- criticslovesnatch - 03-29-2003

head of state looks awful, despite chris rock. another "hey, old white people acting black is funny!" movie.

- Galt - 03-30-2003

See Old School again. You owe it to yourself.

- drusilla - 03-30-2003

my sister's fiance said he didn't fall asleep suring head of state

- 2 tired 2 give N F - 03-30-2003

So what'd you see?

- Teenweek - 03-30-2003

I saw Basic. The ending sucks. This movie had about 10 too many plot twists and a lot of them made no sense.

- x-file - 04-05-2003

I went and saw head of state, I don't know about anybody else, but I thought it was a funny movie. This is the first Chris Rock movie since like new Jack city I laughed out loud. Bernie Mack was also funny in it.

- Hybrid - 04-05-2003

shoulda seen phone booth instead

- Keyser Soze - 04-05-2003

I saw Basic, 2 of my friends walked out just before the final twist. That kind of made it somewhat more interesting but overall the story was way too convoluted.

- 2 tired 2 give N F - 04-05-2003

I just got back from phone booth...great movie especially considering it was only 80 minutes long and only had one scene.

I also snuck into Dreamcatcher during the previews and saw "The Final Flight of the Osiris"...incredible graphics, great story, I really can't wait to see Matrix 2 now.

- Teenweek - 04-05-2003

I just saw jackass. Not bad. A couple parts wer stupid and some were painful to watch.