How much power is needed? - To run a new system - Printable Version

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- King Imp - 03-30-2003

I'm getting a new system soon and I see all these specifications for power supplies (i.e. 300, 350, 400, 450 watts).

Back when I bought my last system around 1999, you really didn't have to worry about that shit, but now all the new components require so much power that if you don't get the right power supply you are fucked.

I'm just wondering how much do I need? I'm looking at a system that has two models that come with 400 & 420 watts. Is this enough or should I be looking at more? On the same token, is that too much and not worth the extra money?

- Jack - 03-30-2003

I am running quite a bit on a 350W power supply. 400 Should be plenty for you.

2 Hard Drives
1 48X CDRW
1 16X DVD-Rom
Soyo Dragon KT400 Ultra Platinum (requires you to plug in a power connector other than the regular one)
4 Fans
1 Floppy Drive
Sound Blaster Live Platinum (requires a power connection 3 1/2 floppy type)
Geforce 4 Ti4200 (which requires a power connection)
and a Neon Light Kit

I would say 400 would do you just fine.

- King Imp - 03-30-2003

Thanks Jack. One more question.
These things that require a power connection. Do you have to buy something extra to plug them in or should it already be set up with whoever builds the system?

- Jack - 03-30-2003

Just standard connectors. Either 4 pin (like the Hard Drive connector) or 3 pin (like the Floppy Drive)

You can buy Y-Adapters like I had to to split the power cords to connect to all the devices if you need them though.

- King Imp - 03-30-2003

Thank you sir. :-)

- Goatweed - 03-30-2003

hey Imp!!!! Nice to see ya d00d! :lookatme:

- King Imp - 03-31-2003

Quote:hey Imp!!!! Nice to see ya d00d!
Hey goatweed. Yeah, I figured I'd come check it out since, and I mean no disrespect by this, but the other place is like watching paint dry it's so Damn slow. :-D

- Galt - 03-31-2003

other place? What other place?

- radioguy - 04-01-2003

Add-on question...

What's the recommended wattage if you have a RAID card with 4 or five HD's on it? (+ DVD, Zip, Floppy etc.)