woohoo - keyser caught up with me - Printable Version

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- crx girl - 03-30-2003

and zooty's almost 2 years older, yay

happy birthday guys :bouncer:

- Rape Fantasizer - 03-30-2003

Happy birthday!!! [Image: party.gif]

- Zootybang - 03-30-2003

There must be something wrong with the computer. I'm only....uh....22! Yeah, 22 I am, and boy do I feel young. Nope, no one almost 30 over HERE, no sir.

- Sweet Angel - 03-30-2003

:bouncer: Happy birthday! :bouncer:

- TheGMANN - 03-30-2003

Happy B-day Zooty...

and Happy B-day Keyser ya handsome fuck ya

- Goatweed - 03-30-2003

Have a great day guys :toast:

- virgingrrl - 03-30-2003

happy birthday boys!

may all your birthday wishes come true :bouncer:

- Keyser Soze - 03-30-2003

awww shucks, thanks guys. :loveya:

- 2 tired 2 give N F - 03-30-2003


- Hybrid - 03-30-2003

happy birthday

- drusilla - 03-30-2003

[Image: birthday.gif]

- Mad - 03-31-2003




Happy B-day.