my rampage of terror is over...sort of - Printable Version

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- Arpikarhu - 04-03-2003

i will give the whole thing up if :
1. i can continue just a teensy bit on a daily basis with Ladi. (cause she really does suck)
2. Kens new position as my flunkie gets put into his status. tell me how much you love me. i havent heard it in a long time.

1- as stated above ofcourse you may, its your god given or atleast board given right to be annoying.

2- sure, why not, he's a two timing whore anyway.

3- I never stopped lovin you little buddy.
since gonzo has met my demands, i will stop my attack on how lame some of you lame asses really are. this does not mean my opinion of you has changed , just that i will stop pointing it out every time you post. except for Ladi, cause she really is a posting piece of human waste.

- GonzoStyle - 04-03-2003

I'm literally fighting back tears right now, i'm all warm and gooey now.

I feel like Jessie Jackson now and shit.

- Arpikarhu - 04-03-2003

that was a fine post gonzo. :thumbs-up:

- GonzoStyle - 04-03-2003

No it wasn't but thanks for trying to make me feel better about it pal o' mine. :loveya:

- Arpikarhu - 04-03-2003

that too was a mighty fine post. you are on fire!

- FNMoron - 04-03-2003

Undecided i like the arrogant arpi much better...

- Arpikarhu - 04-03-2003

your post was quite humorous Fn old buddy

Edited By Arpikarhu on 1049408500

- The Sleeper - 04-03-2003

uh oh, i sense a cheap knock off of the "nice Arpi" gimmick starting to surface

- Arpikarhu - 04-03-2003

that post was unkind. dick

- The Sleeper - 04-03-2003

that was refreshing

- Arpikarhu - 04-03-2003

you still havent complimented my new sig that i worked on all by myself. it was the first one i have ever done you know

- The Sleeper - 04-03-2003

I wasn't too fond with your picture choice, you have so many other good ones you can use

- Arpikarhu - 04-03-2003

piss on you then. hmmph

- HedCold - 04-03-2003

arpis sig > pepsi

- Arpikarhu - 04-03-2003


- GonzoStyle - 04-03-2003

for sleepers hatred of your sig, i'd change the pepsi sign to a coke sign.

- The Sleeper - 04-03-2003

nah, The Bud Light sign is offensive enough