And so it begins...again - Printable Version

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- Sir O - 08-10-2003

The FBI is close to holding an inquiry into the Bush administration over the Valerie Plame affair. For those that may not know, columnist Robert Novak wrote recently that the wife of former Ambassador Joseph Wilson -- the man who blew the whistle on the Niger uranium fraud -- is a Central Intelligence Agency operative, specializing in weapons of mass destruction. Novak attributed his information to two senior administration White House officials. Time magazine has said officials provided similar information.

This article says that the FBI has "an ongoing investigation" and that they may hold an inquiry into the crime.

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Quote:We spend billions of dollars on intelligence. But we end up putting something in the State of the Union address, something we got from another intelligence agency, something we cannot independently verify, in an area of Africa where the British have no on-the-ground presence.

And this quote is indisputably accurate:

Quote:Assuming it was true, the real victim in all this is American national security. Novak asserted that not only is my wife in the CIA but active in the WMD section. So senior administration officials have decided to take that particular asset out of the search for WMD in order to punish me."

Those in the Bush admin that participated in disclosing one of our CIA operatives are reckless criminals and a danger to our country's security. They also sends one hell of a scary message to those currently in our intel communities. Essentially this admin is saying "tell the truth when requested BUT if it doesn't fit *our* predetermined policy we'll blow your cover too, and endanger your family" .

Must be great for recruiting.

I hope this criminal misconduct is fully and publicly prosecuted. It would be equally criminal not to.

- Keyser Soze - 08-10-2003

This is extremely troubling news since he will create a chilling effect on the entire intelligence community in regards to their ongoing investigations. How can they go about doing their jobs with the fear of being compromised by the very country they're trying to protect?

- IrishAlkey - 08-10-2003

Now you know how Jack feels.

- Keyser Soze - 08-10-2003

He's more paranoid than Nixon!

- PlasticMan - 08-12-2003

I had to read that first part like five times for it to make any sense to me. Too many names.

Oh yeah, and I hope they get that Bush guy...

- Sir O - 07-11-2005

Now Karl Rove (Dubya's political advisor) has been named as the traitor who outed Plame.

It's amazing that people think the Bush administration is "strong on terra" when it's the Bush administration that exposed (and effectively ended the career of) a spy working to stop the spread of WMDs.

- TheGMANN - 07-11-2005

Quote:the man who blew the whistle on the Niger uranium fraud

I had to read that part twice cause I thought it said "Nigger uranium fraud".

- The Jays - 07-11-2005

Wait, so what begins again now?

- Sir O - 07-11-2005

The Jays Wrote:Wait, so what begins again now?
Unfortunately, probably nothing.

I guess in a perfect world, those who expose intelligence operatives to score political points would be held accountable.

But in this world, defending the Bush administration is more important than defending the country.

- GonzoStyle - 07-12-2005

But did he get his dick sucked by an intern?

- Arpikarhu - 07-12-2005


- The Jays - 07-12-2005

If you get your dick sucked by an intern and lie about it under oath, then you can be prosecuted. But if you blow the cover of a CIA operative and are honest and forthcoming about it, then there's no worries.

Is that the lesson here?

- The Sleeper - 07-12-2005

I just wanna know why it took 2 years for it to come out that Rove did it and why they are only now jailing people for not revealing sources.

- Arpikarhu - 07-12-2005

white house stone walling

- Sir O - 07-13-2005

The Jays Wrote:If you get your dick sucked by an intern and lie about it under oath, then you can be prosecuted. But if you blow the cover of a CIA operative and are honest and forthcoming about it, then there's no worries.

Is that the lesson here?
? ? ? ? ? ?

- The Jays - 07-13-2005

What I mean is that, it seems like they think everything should be hunky dory as long as they play the whole "hey, we're cooperating with the prosecuters, and we want to make it look like everyone here is bending over their backs to make sure this case gets solved," meanwhile, they worked frantically to get the message out to the pundits to blame the media for all this, and not the true people who are guilty.

- The Sleeper - 07-13-2005

this whole thing is kind of mind blowing

- Arpikarhu - 07-13-2005

he outed an undercover agent. he compromised national security for personal political revenge. he should be tried for treason.

- The Sleeper - 07-13-2005

there is no way anything is gonna happen to him

- Arpikarhu - 07-13-2005

if it were you or me, we would be looking at hard time. the hardest time there is.