Why I love CDiH - by Danked - Printable Version

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- Danked - 09-05-2003

1. The Jays

- Danked - 09-05-2003

I think that about covers it all.

- Splatterpunk - 09-05-2003

Rotten copycat.

- Goatweed - 09-05-2003

not me? :33:

- IrishAlkey - 09-05-2003

This could easily be changed to "reasons I refuse to live in Staten Island".

- Splatterpunk - 09-05-2003

Reasons for women to have a sex change.

- IrishAlkey - 09-05-2003

That better not be a dig at me.

- Goatweed - 09-05-2003


- IrishAlkey - 09-05-2003

Don't use that tone with me.

- Splatterpunk - 09-05-2003

Alkey, please.

Yours would be "Reasons for men to have a sex change".

- IrishAlkey - 09-05-2003

A few have.

They post here.

- Splatterpunk - 09-05-2003


- drusilla - 09-06-2003


- crx girl - 09-06-2003

IrishAlkey Wrote:This could easily be changed to "reasons I refuse to live in Staten Island".
i could do that