Do Not Call List Put On Hold - Federal Judge rules against - Printable Version

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- The Jays - 09-24-2003

Quote:Court blocks ‘Do Not Call’ list

Oklahoma court says FTC overstepped its authority


Sept 24 — A federal judge has ruled that the Federal Trade Commission overstepped its authority in creating a national do-not-call list against telemarketers. The ruling came in a lawsuit brought by telemarketers who challenged the list, comprised of names of people who do not want to receive business solicitation calls. The immediate impact of Tuesday’s ruling was not clear.

Yay! So I WILL have a telemarketing job to fall back on if this whole architecture thing doesnt pan out.

- Danked - 09-24-2003

I get it... put on hold... that's funny.

- Keyser Soze - 09-24-2003

One of my very first jobs was telemarketing for the Police Benevolent Society. Probrobly the worst, most stressful job I ever had. I hate telemarketers mostly because I once was one and know what their whole scam is.

- Danked - 09-24-2003

I pride myself on seeing through their whole "ask for the person by the first name pretending you're their best friend" scam. They do it all the time now.

- Galt - 09-24-2003

doesn't affect me. I don't have a home phone.

You all will eventually come around. No need (unless there's another blackout)

- Goatweed - 09-24-2003

get caller ID and dont answer anything thats "Unavailable" or "Out of Range"

Better yet, get that service that makes you leave your name before the phone on the other end actually picks up - eventually they'll stop calling.

- Splatterpunk - 09-24-2003

I never answer the phone. Everything goes straight to voice mail.

- GonzoStyle - 09-24-2003

I called and got your voicemail, I don't like to leave messages.

- Splatterpunk - 09-24-2003

Really? I think you're telling a fib.

- GonzoStyle - 09-24-2003

I ain't callin again.

- Splatterpunk - 09-24-2003

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