GonzoStyle (semicolon) - Printable Version

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- diceisgod - 12-15-2003

Someone explain his Sean Cold-esque disappearence immediately. It's kinda like when you see an elephant sitting in the corner; it's hard to miss. Except in this case, the elephant is not there anymore.

(Otherwise sing the praises of the under-used, under-appreciated semicolon. I mean if you put it between parentheses like this (Wink it kinda looks like a colon but only semi-like. )

- Galt - 12-15-2003

that is extraneous usage of a semicolon

- diceisgod - 12-15-2003

I blame the gathering; nothing good ever comes from them. Hence, it is your fault; kudos to you.

- Galt - 12-15-2003

The whole semicolon thing really deserved its own thread.

- diceisgod - 12-15-2003

I'm conserving space; get it? I could say that GonzoStyle is not here; therefore, someone must explain to me why. Or, more compactly and elegantly: GonzoStyle is not here; someone must explain to me why.

- diceisgod - 12-15-2003

Everything I just wrote is probably wrong btw. And anyhow what happened to GonzoStyle. Has he taken up the heroine as I thought he would?

- Goatweed - 12-15-2003

he left?

- Hybrid - 12-15-2003

diceisgod Wrote:Has he taken up the heroine as I thought he would?
yea, he's been hanging out with xena warrior princess a lot these days.

- Goatweed - 12-15-2003

I'd hang with her, she has amazing tits.

- Mad - 12-15-2003

Isn't Xena looking a bit haggard these days?

- Keyser Soze - 12-15-2003

GonzoStyle: can I trust you
SoupSoupAD: of course
GonzoStyle: you can visit me if you tell NO ONE
SoupSoupAD: ok
GonzoStyle: will you really come in the bext hakf hour
SoupSoupAD: sure
GonzoStyle: how can I beliveve you
SoupSoupAD: can i fuck and leave, its just a booty call
SoupSoupAD: ?
GonzoStyle: that's all I wnt
SoupSoupAD: ok cool
SoupSoupAD: directions?
GonzoStyle: **********
GonzoStyle: **********
SoupSoupAD: you're not gonna pass out, are you?
GonzoStyle: not untl aftre you pleSAE ME
SoupSoupAD: haaaaa
SoupSoupAD: work tomorrow?
GonzoStyle: of course
GonzoStyle: you too right?
SoupSoupAD: yeah
SoupSoupAD: thats kinda why i wanted to fuck and leave
GonzoStyle: you can crash but must leave erly
GonzoStyle: or right after, your choice
SoupSoupAD: better off leaving, i dont want to bring all my shit for work
GonzoStyle: well come no
SoupSoupAD: ok
GonzoStyle: only my bday for one hour more
SoupSoupAD: haaaaaaaa
GonzoStyle: are you coming now
SoupSoupAD: yes
GonzoStyle: call me when you're on the ****** I'll direct u from there
SoupSoupAD: ok
GonzoStyle: have you left yet
SoupSoupAD: im waiting for you to give me the number
GonzoStyle: **********
GonzoStyle: how can I trust you
GonzoStyle: when are you leaving
SoupSoupAD: im leaving in 5 mins
GonzoStyle: call me from the first pkway so I know I should bother to shower
SoupSoupAD: ok
GonzoStyle: sign off so I know you're gone
SoupSoupAD: i can't, im getting a file
GonzoStyle: blah blah hurry
GonzoStyle: you won't make it by 12
SoupSoupAD: on my way
GonzoStyle: what time realisticlly
SoupSoupAD: how far are you from the midtown tunnel?
GonzoStyle: 10 min
GonzoStyle: is that how you['re going
SoupSoupAD: so i can be there in like 30-40 mins tops
SoupSoupAD: yes
SoupSoupAD: im right outside the lincoln tunnel
GonzoStyle: **********
SoupSoupAD: literally 20 blocks from the lincoln
GonzoStyle: *********
GonzoStyle: *************
GonzoStyle: *******
GonzoStyle: ************
GonzoStyle: then call me
GonzoStyle: I expect you by 11:45
SoupSoupAD: sound do-able
SoupSoupAD: leaving now
GonzoStyle: k, getting in shower
GonzoStyle: so you'll call in 30?
SoupSoupAD: yes
GonzoStyle: fuck me over and you'll regret it
SoupSoupAD: wow
GonzoStyle: TELL NO ONE
SoupSoupAD: of course not
GonzoStyle: SEE YOU IN 40

- Black Lazerus - 12-15-2003

I think he finally has a JOB, It's not in an office so that could explain it.

- Galt - 12-15-2003

his AIM is ZippyAidsface not GonzoStyle. In fact, it never was GonzoStyle.

You failed.

- The Sleeper - 12-15-2003

I thought that was pretty funny despite the lack of attention to detail

- HedCold - 12-15-2003

i have no idea how to use semi colons in a sentence

- The Sleeper - 12-15-2003

it seperates two parts of a sentence that can stand alone as a sentence but are too closely related to each other to have a period put between them.

i think? I just always select it when MS Word tells me to use it.

- Keyser Soze - 12-15-2003


- The Sleeper - 12-15-2003

don't let your head swell. It wasn't haha funny.

- diceisgod - 12-15-2003

He was made moderator emmeritus ala Buttmunch at YMB.

- Suzie - 12-16-2003

I hate you; it will never fade.