All you have to bring is your love of everything - Printable Version

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- Danked - 12-20-2003

at beautiful Mt. Airy Lodge.

- Bland - 12-20-2003

What if I don't love everything?

- The Jays - 12-20-2003

I gather that Mt. Airy lodge has slowly degenerated into a series of decrepit 70's deco-art rooms with hot tubs that have become discolored and encrusted by years of seminal and vaginal fluids, and its beautiful woodland trails have become a haven for the devil worshiping teenage Nazi youth of Generation Y to inseminate their GHB-laden 16 year old vixens in tight sweat pants while they drink strange conconctions of 99 Bananas and winshield wiper fluid and listen to Eminem tell them to shoot ever member of the Republican party. So far away from the images of love in the lap of luxury that we beheld from our television screens while we waited for He-Man to come back from commercial.

- Bland - 12-20-2003

Did somebody buy you a stenographer for christmas?

- The Jays - 12-20-2003

What's a stenographer?

- Bland - 12-20-2003

I assume you are kidding.

- The Jays - 12-20-2003

I am voraciously serious.

- Bland - 12-20-2003

By your improper use of voracious I have no choice but to believe you.

- The Jays - 12-20-2003

My use was proper. My seriousness is such that it craves food in waiting for you to provide me with the definition of stenographer.

- Danked - 12-20-2003

That particular commercial jingle is burned into my memory from childhood.

- Hybrid - 12-20-2003

a stenographer is someone that records everything you say. courts have them to keep track of the minutes.

Edited By Hybrid on 1071891263

- The Jays - 12-20-2003

Ah. Thank you, Hybrid. You are a true friend.

- The Jays - 12-20-2003

Danked, do you remember the jingle for the Milton Plaza, the Lullaby of All Broadway?

- Danked - 12-20-2003

Come along and listen to... the lullaby of Broadway...

Milford Plaza

- The Jays - 12-20-2003

How about that McDonalds commercial that used to come on at Christmastime, where the little girl was on the ice, and she couldnt keep up with the other kids, and then Ronald came along and played with her?

- Danked - 12-20-2003

I can see it in my mind. I don't remember if they sang a song or not.

- The Jays - 12-20-2003

It used to make me cry.

- Danked - 12-20-2003

Strong men also cry... strong men also cry...

- The Jays - 12-20-2003

Mind if I do a J?

- Danked - 12-20-2003

By god sir, I will not abide another toe.