US Press not giving the whole story - Printable Version

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- Galt - 12-22-2003

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Has anyone else seen this story before? I will admit that I haven't been following the story religiously, but you figure this is something would have gotten a decent amount of press.

No wonder he was so "docile" during that first video.

I'm never someone who believes in conspiracy theories, but has the press just ignored this story so the masses can think that it was all US intelligence that found him?

Or have I just missed this story somehow?

- Black Lazerus - 12-22-2003

I get my news from french websites the news is always skewed.

- HedCold - 12-22-2003

i've seen this on other sites too. its one thing to make up about how they caught him (sorta), but to make up stuff about the soldiers saying stuff like "george bush says hello" or whatever was said was totally lame, and shows what this whole office is really about

edit - i say sorta because i guess i almost expect it. not because its acceptable

Edited By HedCold on 1072133161

- Galt - 12-22-2003

That one thing really took him down a few notches in my book.

The story was so lame and obvioulsy unbelievable "I'm Saddam Hussein and I'm willing to negotiate!" BULLSHIT I SAY!~

- Zootybang - 12-22-2003

I dont see no proof, then i dont see no truth. Probably a bunch of commie-hippie-nazi-fag-jews what done wrote that article.

- PlasticMan - 12-23-2003

Clearly the US news is skewed. The story is quite possibly true, but getting the TRUTH from a British news source is pretty suspect as well. They pretty much invented shady reporting.

- Keyser Soze - 12-23-2003

I believe that article.

- The Sleeper - 12-23-2003

I'd hardly call the US skewing news a conspiracy, it is pretty commonplace.

- The Jays - 12-23-2003

I don't mind this story at all. I'm glad the Kurds got the chance to get some revenge and then give him to us when they were done with him. But I bet this tribe which held him for political gain is one of the tribes that will try to give the US and the new government some trouble.