Snapple fact - Printable Version

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- IrishAlkey - 12-23-2003

A crocodile cannot move its tongue.

Neither can Gomez.

- Galt - 12-23-2003

I hate your avatar since I'm reading this at work and when I go to main page, then there's a cock on my computer. Not a fan at all

- IrishAlkey - 12-23-2003

Find something suitable for me to use and I will change it as per your complaint.

- IrishAlkey - 12-23-2003

Also, the fastest recorded speed of a racehorse was over 43 mph.

Gomez can't do that, either.

- Danked - 12-23-2003

The longest one-syllable word in the English language is "screeched."

This has nothing to do with Gomez, but everything to do with Saved By The Bell.

- IrishAlkey - 12-23-2003

Swimming pools in the U.S. contain enough water to cover San Francisco.

This has everything to do with Gomez and his bathtub.

Edited By IrishAlkey on 1072221494

- IrishAlkey - 12-23-2003

This thread will commence after I pee and regain my thirst.

- Danked - 12-23-2003

Lewis & Clark ate their dogs when supplies on their trek ran low.

I don't know if Gomez has a dog, but maybe he used to.... think about it.

- Danked - 12-23-2003

7-UP was created in 1929. The 7 comes from the fact that it was sold in 7 oz servings. The UP comes from the direction of the bubbles as they rise in the bottle.

Gomez is FAT.

- IrishAlkey - 12-23-2003

Gomez would've drank the soda in Willy Wonka's factory and floated up towards the fan.

He would've needed to drink a lot.

- Mad - 12-24-2003

Who's fatter, Paxil Poppin Chub Chub or Gomez?

- Hybrid - 12-24-2003


- The Jays - 12-24-2003

Mad Wrote:Who's fatter, Paxil Poppin Chub Chub or Gomez?
I too have a weight problem. :29:

- IrishAlkey - 12-24-2003

Yeah, not enough of it...

- The Jays - 12-24-2003

I say Gomez is a greedy fuck.

- IrishAlkey - 12-24-2003

State a Snapple fact or be gone.

- Danked - 12-24-2003

The Snapple company doesn't seem to like Gomez very much.

- The Jays - 12-24-2003

Eleven of the fifty states are named after an actual person.

Gomez is not a state, yet.

- IrishAlkey - 12-24-2003

I'm drinking a glass of Chivas on the rocks, but I need facts for this thread.

What a sticky situation!

- Danked - 12-24-2003

All the letters in the alphabet are in the word Hakdwnmuzxnektbcfghibqbiwuhemsmnropwhjl.

Gomez is bigger than that word.