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- GonzoStyle - 01-05-2004

Pete Rose admits that he bet on baseball, 14 years it's about time. So does he get into the Hall Of Fame now? And do you think he finally broke to down to get into the Hall or to promote the book? Maybe a little of both.

- diceisgod - 01-05-2004

I hate Pete Rose and I hope he doesn't get in. He's a lying worm. They should make an example out of him.

- Goatweed - 01-06-2004

I'm with DIG, he lied, and he should accept the fact that he fucked up and go back to making appearances at car washes.

I respect his numbers, but that doesn't excuse what he did.

- Goatweed - 01-06-2004

not to mention the fact that he denied it all this time...

- GonzoStyle - 01-06-2004

well the reasons you are giving is that he did something human that you despise, which I agree with, he lied. But it's not like his numbers are kinda HOF numbers, if it was some guy with 500 home runs or something, who deserves to be in the hall, maybe you can argue it. But he is the Hit king, I mean come on.

Should he be reinstated into the MLB? I don't think so, but to keep him out of the hall at this point is ridiculous.

He finally did what people asked of him, though I do believe he did it to make dough off his book. A Pete Rose autobiography wouldn't sell as well without all this free publicity and with it containing his plea of guilt.

- Goatweed - 01-06-2004

I hear what you're sayiong, and believe me I know most of the guys in the Hall are probably no angels - Ruth had a penchant for whores, yet he's considered the God of baseball...

I just think that Rose has consistently been denying that he did for years now - so to admit to it to get in the Hall seems like he's cheapening the Hall.

If anything, he should get a mention in the Hall, and maybe an asterisk (*) ala Maris that says "I'm a hit king, as well as a liar".

- GonzoStyle - 01-06-2004

they should have a scumbag section in the hall

- HollywoodJewMoses - 01-06-2004

some guy on predicted that all of this would go down JUST LIKE THIS, almost a month ago.

- The Jays - 01-06-2004

but he wants more than the hall. Doesn't he have a desire to get back into baseball, like managing?

My father was kinda dumbfounded by this situation. "So, he denied betting for 12 years, and they banned him from baseball. Now that he admits to it, he gets rewarded?"

I dunno. Should there be a moral standard as well as a baseball standard? Or does MLB have a bug up its ass because one of their managers was betting on games whilst having influence over the outcome of ballgame?

- GonzoStyle - 01-06-2004

well the issue that can be bought up is that since he lied for 14 years about betting on baseball. Can we now trust him that he never bet on the reds? Thats the only valid point in my eyes, if he bet on his own team while managing that brings up the point of fixing games. If not fixing it to lose atleast fixing it to cover spreads or whatnot. Then you dig up the whole point of letting Shoeless Joe Jackson into the hall of fame.

- The Jays - 01-06-2004

People would debate the difference between fixing the outcome as a manager and fixing the outcome as a player.

- GonzoStyle - 01-06-2004

a player is one man, a manager controls an entire team. The manager substitutes pitchers and position players. You're up but you wanna make your bet pay off on whatever, an over/under, put in a crappy middle reliver, say that you wanted to rest the pitcher, give the other guy some innings. Maybe leave a pitcher in too long, maybe that's what the boston manager did.

- HedCold - 01-06-2004

Quote:If anything, he should get a mention in the Hall, and maybe an asterisk (*) ala Maris that says "I'm a hit king, as well as a liar".
one of the first things you see when you walk into the hall of fame is the lifetime stats, and his name all over all of them. to not give him a plaque in there because of all this just seems dumb to me.
as for all the other stuff about him wanting to manage, would teams actually hire him at this point? i mean some team probably would after a while, but i would think most teams would try and stay clear. of course there's always going to be that one team that takes the chance because they already suck and think they have nothing to lose.
anyway, i just think that if they give him a plaque more then half the people who feel he should be unbanned would stop because this is all they really want.

- HedCold - 01-06-2004

i just also want to point out that the hall of fame isn't even run by mlb, so the fact he is banned from the mlb doesn't mean he has to be out of the hall of fame. the hall of fame just decided to go along with mlb and say that if you're banned from there you're banned from us too. they can change that whenever they want, but probably won't

- Keyser Soze - 01-06-2004

i find it hard to believe that Pete Rose was the only player/manager besides the 1818 Black Sox to ever bet on baseball, he just happened to be a degenerate gambler who was bound to get caught.

that said, i think he deserves to be in the hall on pure baseball merit, he was one of the best to ever play the game but he can't be trusted to ever step foot on a major league field during a game again. let him coach minor league teams, come to old timers day, anything but allow him to be involved in a MLB game ever again.

- GonzoStyle - 01-06-2004

the whitesox didn't bet on baseball their crime was far worse than pete's. They threw several games of the 1919 world series and not just to shave a couple runs but they threw it and lost when they were heavily favored against cincinatti I believe they were playing coincidently. At that point in time they were considered the greatest team to ever take the field and shoulda swept the series.

Plus I mention it only in a theoretical sense, no ones bought up the fact that Rose bet on the reds but I am sure that now will become the questions since "did you bet on baseball" is no longer it.

Though I agree, it's just a plaque a small little piece of wood or whatever. I mean almost everyone agrees he should be in the hall, everyone knows he is the hit king. He's technically already there in the minds of the fans and everyone.

- Goatweed - 01-06-2004

I hope this doesn't prevent him from making an appearance at Wrestlemania XX.

- HedCold - 01-06-2004

but the white sox were also doing that to get back at the owner who was cheap and f'ing them over. still doesn't make it right, but its easier to understand why they did it compared to pete rose

- GonzoStyle - 01-06-2004

Very true but on the grand scale of things, they threw the world series. Compared to fixing a game which is still bad, it's more impactful, it changes an entire course of history for the sport.

Plus rose has 2 more years of eligability to be voted in after the the veterans commision can vote him in but those old fucks hate him more than they hate the fact that they let nigras play white mans ball.

So I honestly wouldn't be surprised that even after this that Rose doesn't make it into the Hall.

Even though as you say the MLB doesn't own the hall, the hall has integirty guidelines. Which beyond his stats, rose has been a cancer on the sport since he retired from active play. He has done nothing of good to the sport or been an ambasador to the game, numbers wise he is a legend but I wouldn't blame people for not voting him in.

- HedCold - 01-06-2004

Quote:Very true but on the grand scale of things, they threw the world series. Compared to fixing a game which is still bad, it's more impactful, it changes an entire course of history for the sport.
the world series didn't have some long ass history at the time, i wouldn't blame them for not taking this into consideration