Stop Trying to Save the Earth - You have no clue what you're doing. - Printable Version

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- Kid Afrika - 01-09-2004

So, all of these people are talking about global warming and how in coming years species of plants and animals are going to start dying off because of it.

And to counteract this, they are starting all kinds of engineering projects to re-create nature.

I say they're only going to make it worse because we have no idea what made this planet inhabitable.

In my opinion, we might as well live here by any means we can at this point and hope that self-sufficient space stations aren't too far off. I don't think they'll ever happen, but I'll be dead by then, so fuck it!

- GonzoStyle - 01-09-2004

It's attainable as world peace, I never really cared because all this shit will take place if ever, many, many years after we are long gone.

They should worry more about how humans and not global warming are gonna kill us off.

- diceisgod - 01-09-2004

That and the seach for ET are annoying. There's plenty of people here to hate.

- GonzoStyle - 01-09-2004

Oh man a billion dollars and look!!!! ROCKS!!! WE FOUND ROCKS!!! OH MAN... rocks?

- Kid Afrika - 01-09-2004

Think about this...

We have PETA, but no PETH.

There's GreenPeace, but no HumanPeace.

"Save the rainforest!"

But what about li'l billy down in Alabama that eats rocks for breakfest and twigs for dinner?

- diceisgod - 01-09-2004

Hey there might be a worm in one of them!

- Keyser Soze - 01-09-2004

The planet doesnt need us to save it, the planet will save itself, we will all perish long before and Earth will regenerate all that we destroyed.

- GonzoStyle - 01-09-2004

fuck billy!!

what about randy andy, the black homeless guy I see on the way to work everyday. We have grown fond of eachother, I throw him a buck or two everytime I see him. Other homeless people try to stop me but I tell them "sorry, randy andy is my pal, get a job grouch!!"

- Danked - 01-09-2004

I hugged 7 trees today!

I did my part for Mother Earth.

- Kid Afrika - 01-09-2004

The Earth, plus plastic. - George Carlin

- GonzoStyle - 01-09-2004

Kid Afrika Wrote:The Earth, plus plastic. - George Carlin
Well, if crime fighters fight crime and fire fighters fight fire, what do freedom fighters fight?

- Kid Afrika - 01-09-2004

Poopy pants?

- GonzoStyle - 01-09-2004


- Kid Afrika - 01-09-2004

No no no. Freedom Fighters fight poopy pants. They run around with baby wipes on sticks and clean the unclean.

- Kid Afrika - 01-09-2004

And anyway, save all the rainforests you want, a monkey ain't gonna save your ass in a war.

- The Sleeper - 01-09-2004

I don't know if seeing the effects of pollution is as long off as most of you seem to think...

- Goatweed - 01-09-2004

Yeah, I think we're seeing the effects of pollution right now - and it's getting a lot worse.

Does that mean I'm gonna use solar cells instead of ConEd? No...but these Greenpeace groups are gonna need a lot more $$ and clout to really make a difference. So long as the oil and gas utilities are around, it's gonna stay this way.

Anyone notice how the electric and even the hybrid electric/gas cars keep getting shunned - yet theyre much more fuel efficient than any typical combustion engine.

I dunno, we're all goin' to Hell in a handbasket. I heard we're definitely goin' back to the moon and to Mars - that's great, and personally I'd love to be able to go 'cause going into space has always been a dream of mine, but do we really need to go elsewhere looking for life? It's almost like a sublimminal "we're not gonna be able to stay here much longer, we better start lookin' elsewhere"..

- Velociti - 01-09-2004

I dont recall any definitive evidence that global warming is actually occurring, but I agree polution is out of control

- GonzoStyle - 01-09-2004

I ain't gonna stop throwin my trash out the window just cause of you whining, this country was built on such rights and freedoms!!

- Kid Afrika - 01-09-2004

Polllution only really affects us. Plants will survive in some number and will replenish themselves once we are gone. To that en, we are not quite as important as we think. At the end of the day, we put ourselves above all else which is foolish. We can't live without plants and trees, but to think that we can plant the trees to let us survive is just ridiculous.

Nature is the one thing that defies any mathematical equation or scientific theory.