God damn! - Printable Version

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- Galt - 02-19-2004

The guy accross from me types so friggin loud. It's like he keeps his hands a foot off the keyboard and just punches them. it's as loud as one of those old typewriters. I hate it so much.

I fact I just decided to type this to find out if it was my imaginnation or if he was like 10X louder than I am when he types.

Thankfully, he's only here for another week and a day.

- GonzoStyle - 02-19-2004

walk up to him and crack him in the grill with a thick book.

- 2 tired 2 give N F - 02-19-2004

Does he wear leather pants too?

- Galt - 02-19-2004

No. But he's European and incredibly arrogant. He's a trainee from London here for a bit and he sits and talks about all the salespeople like they are fools, about the analysts like they are wrong, and about training like he's above it.

Everyone else has gone through the same thing, quit whining about it; put your head down and just work.

- Splatterpunk - 02-19-2004

He's doing it on purpose. I think you should neutralize him.

- GonzoStyle - 02-19-2004

I still say crack him in the face with a nice thick hardcover book, then say "Welcome to america".

- GonzoStyle - 02-19-2004

At the very least do what I would do.

When you feel a fart coming on stand close by him, stick your hand down your pants with your palm facing your asshole. Fart on your palm and immedialtely smack him across the face.

Then walk away and giggle.

- The Jays - 02-20-2004

Don't they have keyboards that don't make as much sound? Like, silencer keyboards or something?

- GonzoStyle - 02-20-2004

Then you are set, fart on the hand and smack him right across his stupid foreign face.

- Galt - 02-20-2004

I told him that he typed loud. Now he has a complex.

- Mad - 02-20-2004

Take him to lunch, then push him in front of a bus.

- GonzoStyle - 02-20-2004

do the fart hand smack, it always works trust me.

- Galt - 02-20-2004

I do the fart and walk. When I know I'm going to fart I walk past someone's desk

- HedCold - 02-20-2004

those are fun

- GonzoStyle - 02-20-2004

eh you're missing out, for reals.

- HedCold - 02-20-2004

we all don't have a supply of pudding in our pantts

- Black Lazerus - 02-20-2004
