Tillman Killed In Afghanistan - Printable Version

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- Keyser Soze - 04-23-2004

Yes, I know every live lost is important, and not to put his death in the spotlight above others who have as well, but here it is...

Reports: Tillman killed in action
Former Cardinal Pat Tillman, who left the NFL to join the Army Rangers,
reportedly has been killed in Afghanistan.

- Galt - 04-23-2004

He was my starting strong safety in Madden for years and years in one my franchises.

He will be greatly missed.

- Keyser Soze - 04-23-2004

he lives on in madden!

- Galt - 04-23-2004

EA Sports prolongs many lives. Darryl Kile too. They are doing the Lord's work.

- diceisgod - 04-23-2004

He quit the NFL to enlist after 9/11. Bad career move.

But seriously I almost did the same and if I was about 5 years younger I probably would have. I don't think I could tolerate all the shit you have to put with in the military. Plus this "war on terror" seems to be a bit misguided and out of focus. It took forever to get started and nobody really seems to know who and where those responsible for the attacks are (other than the incinerated ones). I'm just waiting for them to come to me and hope I can get a shot or two in before they snuff me out.

- The Sleeper - 04-23-2004

I can't sympathize with someone who gives up an NFL career to fight for fucking Bush. Let this be a lesson to others, if you have it good in life, enjoy it, don't get caught up in patriotic bullshit.

- diceisgod - 04-23-2004


- Galt - 04-23-2004

I would have elinsted if I were younger and in shape and wanted to

- diceisgod - 04-23-2004

Actually he was my age when he enlisted back then (27). If my life was as good as his I might have guessed I had some moral duty to protect what I felt was right. I respect him for what he did but I don't necessarily agree with him. This is of course all speculation. I don't know his moral convictions. For all I know he may have just wanted to kill people, and I would definitly respect that.

- The Sleeper - 04-23-2004

It is definetly respectable what he did, I just don't understand it at all. There are people who have very little in life and join the military to fullfill themselves. I understand those people wanting to go fight for something they believe in. Someone who has reaped the benefits of living in this country shouldn't have any obligation to die for it. If that's what he felt, that's fine, but i don't agree with it.

- Keyser Soze - 04-23-2004

Quote:Someone who has reaped the benefits of living in this country shouldn't have any obligation to die for it.

Without the sacrifice of those who died for this country, we wouldnt have these benefits. Seems kind of selfish.

- diceisgod - 04-23-2004

My motivation in wanting to join was the prospect of killing other people. You can't help but get that rush when you watch movies like Full Metal Jacket, Platoon, etc. It's the ultimate game. Liberty, truth, and happineess? Hogwash. You look around and talk to people and you see nothing like that going on over here. All you see are sarcastic greedy corporate slaves. Deception, theivery, and backhandedness is more like it.

- The Sleeper - 04-23-2004

I'm sure plenty of people who join the army do it for their own selfish reasons. If you live life feeling like you are obligated to other people, you will most likely be screwed in the end.

- Black Lazerus - 04-26-2004

Quote:Someone who has reaped the benefits of living in this country shouldn't have any obligation to die for it.

wow that is a selfish stance, it should be the other way around.

- The Sleeper - 04-27-2004

Like war isn't inherently selfish

- Keyser Soze - 04-27-2004

the kid has a point

- Black Lazerus - 04-27-2004

I would love to hear his reasoning behind it.

- The Sleeper - 04-27-2004

so you don't think war is selfish at all?

- Black Lazerus - 04-27-2004

no not in all instances

- The Sleeper - 04-27-2004

all war is selfish because every side has their own motive for engaging in it and if they succeed, it helps them out in some way. that doesn't mean all war is not justified though.