Rescue Me - it's the best show on TV right now - Printable Version

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- Goatweed - 07-22-2004

Watch it - download it - watch it again.

Considering summertime is usually loaded with bullshit reruns of awful TV, this really is something to enjoy. Leary doesn;t go over the top, and they handle the 9/11 stuff really well.

- crx girl - 07-22-2004

i might be getting dsl soon, it's on fx though right? i don't got that

- Goatweed - 07-22-2004

yeah, it is - you can download it from tvtorrents, if you use bit-torrent anyway.

- Keyser Soze - 07-22-2004

let me know when you get those dsl's, id like to give them a go.

- Mad - 07-22-2004

Are they going to replay it over the weekend? Cause I been caught up with the Tour De France crap.

- Goatweed - 07-22-2004

probably, yeah - but if they do it'll be at weird times (FX loves to fuck with people). That's why I download them, its easier and cheaper than a Tivo.

- Keyser Soze - 07-22-2004

$99!!! So worth it!!!

- Goatweed - 07-22-2004

download/burn to a DVD > Tivo

- LyricalGomez - 07-26-2004

F/X really is coming out with some good shows, first The Shield then Nip/Tuck now this.

- Keyser Soze - 07-26-2004

download/burn to a DVD is a poor mans tivo.

- Goatweed - 07-26-2004

but it's free, and the commercials are edited out - and its portable.

- Goatweed - 07-26-2004

you're right about one thing, I am pretty poor these days Undecided

- drusilla - 07-27-2004

i caught it last week. i really liked it. i think leary is doing a really good job with the character. i set my dvr to record the season. (which i think will run without commercials too. at least the first episode did.)

- Keyser Soze - 07-27-2004

i think dvd-r drives are actually more expensive than a $99 tivo system. plus i never have to buy DVD-R discs.

- drusilla - 07-27-2004

i like my dvr. its in my cable box. though i just got it like 2 weeks ago. so it's still a new toy to me.