the capitalist pig forum is gone? - and all record of me exposing Arpi? - Printable Version

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- Galt - 09-23-2004

anyway, RDA management is going to be meeting with about $1 billion worth of money managers tomorrow and so the stock should do well at least for tomorrow and the beginning of Monday

I'm pretty sure this isn't insider trading

- Black Lazerus - 09-23-2004

it's only insider trading if that information is not publicly known.

- Arpikarhu - 09-24-2004

as per usual you have decided to ignore the fact that your so called exposure of me turned out to be false and that you admitted that you didnt know what you were talking about.

- Arpikarhu - 09-24-2004

and lets not forget your harley davidson fiasco which you attempted to lie about and got nailed.

- GonzoStyle - 09-24-2004

actually all the posts from the deleted forums were merged into the section 8 forum, we dont delete anything here.

- Black Lazerus - 09-24-2004

Arpikarhu Wrote:and lets not forget your harley davidson fiasco which you attempted to lie about and got nailed.
what harley davidson fiasco?

- Galt - 09-24-2004

the fiasco when he recommended Harley, and I said it didn't look that attractive to me, and said that Countrywide Financial looked way more attractive. Check the tape and the dates for which stocks performed better.

- Arpikarhu - 09-24-2004

you didnt bring up up countrywide until later and then tried to cover up you poor forecasting on HDI by lying about it.

- Keyser Soze - 09-24-2004

whats RDA's symbol?

- Galt - 09-24-2004

RDA is the symbol, and Arpi is once again lying. It was in the exact same post. I poo-poo'd Harley and recommended CFC in the exact same post. If that's not directly comparing two stocks, I don't know what is.

Shit, if you are going to rally against me based on poor picks, at least focus on the ones I got wrong

- diceisgod - 09-24-2004

I hope your stocks do as well as your forum.

- Ronin - 09-24-2004

Galt Wrote:anyway, RDA management is going to be meeting with about $1 billion worth of money managers tomorrow and so the stock should do well at least for tomorrow and the beginning of Monday

I'm pretty sure this isn't insider trading
i would consider that insider trading.

- Galt - 09-24-2004

well nuts to you.

- Keyser Soze - 09-24-2004

Readers Digest down .04 this morning

- Ronin - 09-24-2004

Galt Wrote:well nuts to you.
i work in the financial industry and would consider that some insider info..

have fun with Martha Stewart.

RDA hasn't traded above it's openning price today.. doesn't look good. sell short.

- GonzoStyle - 09-24-2004


- Ronin - 09-24-2004

GonzoStyle Wrote:Narc!!
ooo, that's good. I am going to use that as my status i think.. thanks..

FYI, RDA down .14 to 14.44

- Galt - 09-24-2004

yeah, looks like someone else on the street downgraded the stock today. Coincidental. But that might negate any gains that would have been seen from the meetings.

- Ronin - 09-24-2004

wow, in less than an hour, it's down to 14.35 down .25
I think I found why. I found this story on Yahoo:
9/24/04 - (AP) RDA down due to insider informant by the name of Galt releases company information.

It has to be true.

- Keyser Soze - 09-24-2004

ahahahaahahaaaaaa no, not really.