Tonights the night part 4!!!! - The final showdown. - Printable Version

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- GonzoStyle - 10-13-2004

Tonight's the final face to face debate between bush and kerry.

The 1st one was a win for kerry

the 2nd one was much closer

the vice presidential debate was a win for cheyney

Tonights the final showdown with Bush throwing a hissy fit about how he isnt stupid and kerry saying he has a plan!!!

- Goatweed - 10-13-2004

they both suck balls.

- diceisgod - 10-13-2004

blah blah blah jobs blah blah blah economy blah blah terror blah blah

- GonzoStyle - 10-13-2004

the issues are moot at this point, after the first debate was somewhat meaningful but now its strictly to see what gems will come out of bush's mouth and how robotic kerry can come off as.

The whole wood mill debacle is still amazing to me...


- The Sleeper - 10-13-2004

I am sick of these but I will watch anyway

- Galt - 10-13-2004

If someone mentions the Kyoto Treaty Arpi is going to be so happy.

- GonzoStyle - 10-13-2004

Bush mentioned it last debate becuase it was "the unpopular move".

- drusilla - 10-14-2004

i'll be listening to the game at work. let me know how the debate goes.

- Arpikarhu - 10-14-2004

kerry wins.

- Goatweed - 10-14-2004

The Yankees won too :thumbs-up:

- Bloody Anus - 10-14-2004

Anybody still undecided after 3 debates should not be allowed to vote.

- drusilla - 10-14-2004

i hate the way bush snickered everytime he would revut kerry. he's so freaking slimey. i really can't believe that his handlers told him to act that way. such a fucking jackass.

- GonzoStyle - 10-14-2004

atleast he admitted he has butchered the english language over the past 4 years.