Truck Flips Killing Numeorus Illegal Immigrants - Printable Version

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- Hoon - 10-18-2004

Truck Flips Killing Numerous Illegal Immigrants

Apparently the grease stain on that road is bigger than the semen spot I left in Arpi's mom's caravan.

Edited By Hoon on 1098123379

- Goatweed - 10-18-2004

I guess they weren't wearing their seatbelts. will people never learn?!?!

- Black Lazerus - 10-18-2004

20 people in a pickup truck doing 90 mph they should have just pulled them all to the side of the road and let them die off, saving us some money in deportation fees.

- Galt - 10-18-2004

I never wear a seatbelt either when I'm riding in the back of a pickup

- The Jays - 10-18-2004

20 people in a pickup truck? Say, every one is 150 pounds, minimum. that's 3000 pounds of weight on that pickup truck. that's utter stupidity.

- Hoon - 10-18-2004

Deportation fees would be nothing compared to the medical bills and funeral preparation fees we taxpayers are going to have to pay now.

And what do we have to show for it?
A grease spot on the highway.

- GonzoStyle - 10-18-2004

I didn't read the article but I will assume they were latino.

- Black Lazerus - 10-18-2004

more than 7 people in any vehicle and you can assume they are Spanish.

- GonzoStyle - 10-18-2004

I don't like to stereotype...

- Hoon - 10-18-2004

The only thing you see in the back of trucks in bulk is groceries, wood and wetbacks.

- Keyser Soze - 10-18-2004

thats a long way to go for an arpi zing

- Black Lazerus - 10-19-2004

hoon forgot niggers attached to chains.

- GonzoStyle - 10-19-2004

He said in bulk, you can't go draggin around a bunch of niggers at the same time that just wouldn't be proper.

- Meatwad - 10-19-2004

Yeah, well...they could have a caravan of niggers draggers. You know, like the Oregon Trail, but with pick-ups...and niggers being dragged in the back.

- Goatweed - 10-19-2004

[Image: post-13-60538-chick_nigs.jpg] (screen.width/2)){this.width = (this.width/2)}" onclick="javascript:if(this.width > (screen.width/2)){this.width = (this.width/2)} else {this.width = (this.width*2)}" border="0" alt='Posted image: Click to resize'>

- drusilla - 10-19-2004


- Hawt Baux - 10-19-2004


- crx girl - 10-19-2004

that's cute

- GonzoStyle - 10-19-2004

Goat finally makes a post worth reviewing!!!!

- Hoon - 10-19-2004

Don't be silly Laz.
Niggers aren't carried in bulk in pick up trucks.
They're carried in bulk in prison transfer buses.