The ethics of borrowing things. - Printable Version

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- GonzoStyle - 11-26-2004

As far as loaning out stuff and borrowing stuff, I am personally strict with stuff like that. Me personally I rarely even like borrowing stuff from people, i'm not even talking about money but stuff. Me personally I am very giving and sometimes too trusting. As far as money, the very few times I did borrow money, I couldn't wait to repay my debt, the very first dollars I got before anything I would pay back my debt, it's just a question of ethics and appreciation. I almost never learn though, the countless people I loaned money too who then either disappear or just fade out and I never get my dough back or stuff.

I loaned a couple dvd's to a co-worker of mine, it's been 4 months now. I loaned her 2 dvds, now me personally when I borrow say a dvd, it's back in a couple days.. tops.

4 fuckin months this cunt has my dvds, the first couple weeks I aint say nothing, I figure well maybe she's busy, etc etc. Then its over a month and I kinda hinted and asked "so did you like the movies?" She said she aint even watched them yet but she will, so I let it go and figure fine. Then I got caught up with some major loans at work that I was trying to close and it was over 2 months now and I figure enoughs enough, i'll tell her someone else wants to borrow the dvds. She says she'll bring them in, then day after day after day after day goes by and I would walk in and she's the receptionist so I see her as soon as I walk into the office and i'd ask day after day "where's my dvds?" and she had an excuse time after time, "I forgot", "I wasnt home", etc etc.

I recently took some time off and I come back a little while ago and it's like a running gag with her now, first day back I says "wheres my movies?" and she laughed and said she didnt know I was coming back but her sister was gonna pick her up after work and bring the dvds, I said fine.

Closing time and I am ready to go, so I walk up front to see if her sister came yet and the cunt already went home, now I am upset.

Next day she said it was in the car but she was in a hurry, tonight for sure. Closing time comes, same thing. Then she takes a few days off for sickness.

She comes back this monday, I walk in and ask her "wheres my dvds" and she has the nerve to get pissed at me and throws a tantrum. "OH PLEASE HOW MUCH CAN THOSE FUCKIN DVDS COST ANYWAY!!! JUST GET OVER IT!!"

Amazingly, I remain calm and say "whoa, whoa, calm down. It's not an issue of cost, it's an issue of I loaned you something and you basically take my property that I let you borrow cause I thought you were a responsible and nice person and you treat that like shit. So calm the fuck out, ok you forget once, twice, thrice, but after 4 fucking months!!! I'd think you'd remember one fuckin day to bring the movies. As soon as you get home just put them in your purse, put them in a bag and hang them off the door, put a reminder on your cell phone, do something.

She apologized and said she'd bring them in this monday, we shall see but I somehow doubt she will.

- Keyser Soze - 11-26-2004

i loaned a book to a co-worker once. it was steal this dream, a semi-autobiography of abbie hoffman written with ratso sloman. i was expecting her to eventually return it but she wound up giving me a book her father wrote about coming to america. what the fuck? i didnt know we were doing a book swap?!?!?!!??

- GonzoStyle - 11-26-2004

Yeah I had a bunch of people just disappear with shit and even worse loan it to someone else without asking, which is what happened with you.

I loaned, stupidly on my part but I let my friend borrow my video camera to film his mothers 60th birthday party. The party was over the weekend so I figured monday I could come get it, so I show up and he tells me "oh I let my brother borrow it". His brother the junkie who ended up selling my video camera for like 40 bucks to get some crack. I never got the camera back nor the money for it and he was like "well its not my fault, my brother sold it". I would personally never let someone else borrow it, even if I did I would apologize a thousand times and buy a new camera, I guess thats just me tho.

- Danked - 11-26-2004

I learned a lesson with my precious Tenacious D tape back in high school. I had all the HBO episodes recorded back when no one even knew who Jack Black was. My friend Hayley wanted to borrow it for the weekend so I figured, why not? She, of course, loans it out to her friend who lives out of state. I never saw that tape again. Raaaargh.

- diceisgod - 11-26-2004

It's your fault but I would definitly kick that receptionist in the face.

- Goatweed - 11-26-2004

was Hudson Hawk one of the movies you lent out?

- Galt - 11-26-2004

me personally, i wouldn't say aint so much.

- HedCold - 11-26-2004

and did you really say thrice?

- Mad - 11-26-2004

Ask to borrow fifty bucks from the cunt and tell her repeatedly you "forgot".

- GonzoStyle - 11-27-2004

HedCold Wrote:and did you really say thrice?
yeah and I say "ain't" a lot as well.

If she ain't got my dvds by next week, i'm putting a laxative in her morning coffee.

- crx girl - 11-27-2004

Quote:As far as money, the very few times I did borrow money, I couldn't wait to repay my debt, the very first dollars I got before anything I would pay back my debt
i've been having this discussion with my friend lately, i'm the same way. if i ever borrow anything, which is rare, it's all i'm thinking about til i return it. but i guess that's cos i've lent shit to people and never got it back too. you figure it's bullshit but it ads up. i'd have so many more clothes

- GonzoStyle - 11-27-2004

I'm still waiting for my 400 bucks that I loaned a certain manifesto writer.

- Keyser Soze - 11-28-2004

thats cold

- GonzoStyle - 11-28-2004

he did something that really puts the ethics of borrowing overboard for me. Not only did he not pay me back, he paid me back a little which was 100 of the 500. But in the time from when I loaned him the money he would buy things, not just things he needed but luxury items like electric equiment, stereos, dvds, home theater equipment, etc etc and he'd constantly tell me what he was buying for himself. Which other people have done in the past, they would buy shit for themselves while they owed money either to me or friends I knew of. What fuckin balls it takes to owe someone a considerable sum of money and have the sack to say, hey I owe you a 100 or 200 or whatever but I just spent 800 bucks on a stereo... and not even mention the fact that they owe you money and have for a very long time and had originally said they'd pay you back within a month or so and here it is a year later.

- Mad - 11-28-2004

You should brush up on loansharking 101, they don't pay you break something on them till they do.

- Keyser Soze - 11-28-2004

i see someone in a whole new light

- diceisgod - 11-28-2004

Ya see, the thing about ethics.....

- GonzoStyle - 11-29-2004

I don't like the high hat!

- Gooch - 11-29-2004

what's the rumpus?

- GonzoStyle - 11-29-2004

They took his hair, Tommy. Jesus, that's strange, why would they do that?