01-15-2003, 06:06 AM
I like to look at fan sites for TV shows. Mostly 70's and 80's TV shows that I grew up watching. Mostly I check them out for pictures or sound files. The Battlestar Galactica theme song is one of my favorites. I have noticed how many stories people have written. Fiction stories using characters from TV shows. I could give some examples but that would take a week. I read an article in Maxim a few months back that was pretty brutal about these sites. Really ripping into some of the authors as basement lurking losers who still live with mommy. I mean a few of these stories that I have read are really dumb or show that the person is flat out obsessed with a character or show. Others were really worth the time wasted reading them. I wanted to know what you guys think.
We're all going to Hell and I'm driving the bus!!!!