As I said in the "other" thread, I'm no longer horny - only for you :loveya:
I know how rough a decision it was for you to make, and coupled with whatever you have going on personally, I offer you any and all support you need - even if it's just an ear to chew on (although Alkey might be better suited for that job).
Since the board has been loading better for me lately (at work), I think you'll be seein' me around here more often.
Well put GS. Im proud of you. Strange thing though your post almost makes me want women instead of small children. Nah...I just didnt understand my full feelings....I want women stuffed with small children....sorry my bad.
Good to have you back bro. We need someone to help keep Snuka in line, his rape rod really chaffes after a while
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Your pocket Bible will stop an assailant's bullet, but not before it passes through four innocent bystanders, a school-bus gas tank, and your genitals. sucks that you got fucked over, but it sounds like your real friends are sticking by you, and at least you have this place to play. You are one of the first people I remember from wayyy back when I was on, and I'm sure you'll get through this and hit your 10,000 here...good luck, and sorry to hear what happened to you