04-26-2002, 06:30 AM
There's nothing wrong with discoure Keyser but when people start getting all uppety and start calling names and start threatening and stuff it gets annoying. I will say that I've enjoyed reading just about every thread on this board so far (except the "post a tard" thread, we're all going to rot in hell for that one :burnfucker: ). I really enjoy hearing other people express themselves. It's not about who's right or wrong, it's about discussion. Message boards have another name, forums, and that brings to mind the ancient Greeks. They knew how to have discorse, and I'm sure that they didn't resort to threats and name calling like 4th graders. Why does it always have to be side taking? Why does it always reduce itself to petty crap?
I hold the dubious honor of being the only person never modded who has also never been to a party who in the past had a shared account with a vegetable reference that has had consensual sex with a woman who wasn't from the board that also knows what >) means and remembers the end of the golden age.