03-02-2002, 10:20 PM
The Sleeper Wrote:The Matrix - Boring characters, and by the time they got to the so-called spectacular action sequences, I had lost all interest.Another one I forgot. It was undoubtedly a BAD MOVIE. The script was lame, the sequences were lame, the characters were lame. It couldn't end quick enough for me. Their "is this the spoon" philosophy wasn't interesting at all. It pretended to be deep when really it wasn't.
Gladiator- What's the fucking appeal? It was directed a bit awkwardly, the characters were cutouts, and the colusium sequences did nothing for me. How the fuck did this win such acclaim by critics and audienecs.
Waking Life- want to see a pretentious movie that is nothing but cliff notes philosophy under the guise that if you don't get it you're too unenlightended and stupid to get it? That's Waking Life. There was a point I was hoping that it was a satire but alas that never came true. I'm not saying all the philosophy was lame, some of it was somewhat interesting but on a whole I wanted to fling myself off the balcony to make sure I was still alive.
And from the Oscars this year (gih gih gih)- Gosford park. What an awful, unappealing boring movie. It was a soap opera without any appeal. It stinks.