04-28-2002, 08:13 PM
never done acid, did shrooms once, smoked weed a bunch of times.
Brownstone i've done salvia a bunch of times since i've gotten to school. Basically its about 15 minutes of an amazing intense trip, and after that for a few hours it just feels like you smoked weed. but those 15 minutes....god damn :fuggin: first time i did it, it felt like gravity was pulling me back instead of down. definately a lot of fun.
Brownstone i've done salvia a bunch of times since i've gotten to school. Basically its about 15 minutes of an amazing intense trip, and after that for a few hours it just feels like you smoked weed. but those 15 minutes....god damn :fuggin: first time i did it, it felt like gravity was pulling me back instead of down. definately a lot of fun.
I will touch the sun or I will die trying.