05-02-2002, 02:36 AM
Quote:How are fuel cells coming along? I hear they have made a lot of process. Referring back to another thread if we put more funding into NASA we could probably advance fuel cell research as well.
The problem with fuel cells is that their fuel is hydrogen. Hydrogen is REALLY expensive to make, there's still no way to make it cheaply. Gas is still vastly cheaper...the only way you make hydrogen is using something called a rectifier which turns...you guessed it...gasoline into hydrogen and carbon dioxide
Quote:Also Saudi Arabia is no longer the world's largest oil producer. Russia is now. We could buy from Russia more. Even though Russian politics aren't the greatest(war on chechnya, etc) it's obviously way better than dealing with Wahhabists in Saudi Arabia.The problem with Russian oil is that it has too much sulfer in it. It requires more money to reform Russian oil than Mideast oil. I know it sounds dumb, but it's more work and dollars to use Russian fuel
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<font color = maroon size = 1>
Your pocket Bible will stop an assailant's bullet, but not before it passes through four innocent bystanders, a school-bus gas tank, and your genitals.
<font color = maroon size = 1>
Your pocket Bible will stop an assailant's bullet, but not before it passes through four innocent bystanders, a school-bus gas tank, and your genitals.