01-14-2002, 11:32 PM
Quote:Heavy Cream?!?Quote:I hate the time it takes to make coffee. it's just so long. I like coffee so much. And I don't even like sTarbucksI was talking about Starbucks ICE CREAM.
Vanilla Mocha Swirl....Please come back.
And another thing, half & half is fine and all but, why can't more coffee shops have heavy cream?
That leaves all of that oil on the top of your coffee...Now light cream...different story...
Quote:And everything about youI hate Ugly Kid Joe
Edited By Sluggo on Jan. 14 2002 at 6:41
<center><img src=http://images.andale.com/f2/115/104/6485603/1013144859985_loser3.jpg>
<marquee> I stood long and hard until the light...Rubbing needles in my eyes...eating dirt...I stood up...and everything was all-right!</marquee>
<marquee> I stood long and hard until the light...Rubbing needles in my eyes...eating dirt...I stood up...and everything was all-right!</marquee>