03-13-2002, 03:33 AM
Gooch Wrote:And, if you can't put up, I have to chalk it up to something else. Perhaps you have bone to pick for whatever reason, whether it be that bashing what I do b/c it's in vogue, maybe you feel threatened, or trying to appease those "elders" being the pure shining light of dissent and freethinking....or perhaps just appeasing them is all it's about. Even your motives and statement can be nitpicked, but I won't do what you did, I won't assume.Whoa, hold your fuckin horses there, cowboy.
I don't bash yopu because it is fuckin vouge. Shit, I live in the year 2002 and I still am a male with long hair, vouge doesn't mean a fuckin thing to me.
If you must know, I bash you because you are fat. I am an angry person and your fatness bothers me.
Why are you so fat?
Or, it could be I like bothering you because I am just a fuckin scumbag. But, please, do not try and insinuate I am on some band wangon.