05-14-2002, 07:22 PM
Quote:Just be. I don't know if you are talking about me or someone else but i'm not calling anyone out on not being original or anything else.
Yes, I was talking about you and K1d specifically. You two are the two that seem to be the biggest critics about everyone else. How they post, what they are interested, everything that others do that is not like the way you like it, you don't just criticize, but you make it seem like people shouldn't like what they like.
Now say, "That's not my intention, that's not what I'm doing". Whether or not it's your intention, or you think that's what you're doing.....you are.
Much more than you, K1d gives the whole attitude of "I'm going to say what I want. I'm not going to be censored. If you don't like it, tough shit, I'm me, take or leave it. If I bother you that much, just don't read it, etc, etc, etc". But you do have that attitude. As do I. There's nothing wrong with it.
But do you realize the utter hypocrisy between having that philosophy and constantly making it a point to go into threads that you have no interest in, just to bash the thread, and posters themselves?
There are SO many things in life, and on this board, that I don't like. But others do. I'm not going to make a point to mock everyone who has different interests than me.
Just fucking let it go. Post what you like where you like, and let others do the same.