05-15-2002, 05:44 PM
Im not going to bother reading this entire thread, since Im sure anything of value was said on page 1 or 2 then quickly deteriorated into another chat thread 8 pages later. So, Im summary, A chat and games forums would be bad. The pit is more like the "leftover forum", talk about PC's and tech in Uber-Geek, talk about TV and Movies in Entertainmen, talk about Music and concerts in the Music Forum, anything else can be tossed into the "leftover forum". And in my experience, the "anything else" part is usually games and chat. I know what you're thinking, "BUTT SPEHIR0HT, IF WE HAEV TEH GAM0RIGN FORIM, TEH PIT KAN BE YUSED 4 SEAREOUS DISKUSSIONNSSS!!". Riiiiiiiiight. And how many "serious discussions" do we really have anyway? How many of those threads eventually degenerate into a chat thread anyhow? If you take out the games and chat and more them elsewhere, the pit will die, simple as that.