06-28-2002, 06:27 PM
Kid: heh heh, you bastard. I had those...I ate them.
May "CDIH On Patrol" May
Sorry, i don't read the board with bated breath, you ignomious waste of fuckin web message board space. and since i also MENTIONED it myself in the MSPAINT thread, you can go fuck yourself with the anal eaze and your holier-than-thou bullshit. Sean himself could have mentioned it here, but he didn't. But, you, savior of all message-board transgressions, of course, have a problem b/c you've gotten your ego so infiltrated here. What did you have for lunch, Maymay??!?!?! God, it's soooooo fuckin important, you pompous worthless piece of digital floatsam. It's the obvious joke. And it's the most talked about subject matter, as of late.....soooooooooooooooooo EXCUSE ME if someone already said it first, dipshit.
May "CDIH On Patrol" May
Sorry, i don't read the board with bated breath, you ignomious waste of fuckin web message board space. and since i also MENTIONED it myself in the MSPAINT thread, you can go fuck yourself with the anal eaze and your holier-than-thou bullshit. Sean himself could have mentioned it here, but he didn't. But, you, savior of all message-board transgressions, of course, have a problem b/c you've gotten your ego so infiltrated here. What did you have for lunch, Maymay??!?!?! God, it's soooooo fuckin important, you pompous worthless piece of digital floatsam. It's the obvious joke. And it's the most talked about subject matter, as of late.....soooooooooooooooooo EXCUSE ME if someone already said it first, dipshit.
There are four kinds of people in this world: cretins, fools, morons, and lunatics.
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