07-19-2002, 02:56 PM
Quote:I wouldn't even have enough hours in a fuckin day to ace all the people that irritate me
Ugh, I hate to quote Dice, but I have to:
So many assholes, so few bullets
That has to be nice once you get into a good pattern though. I magine after the first couple you off, you get all scared and panicy, but after a few dozen, it's no big deal.
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<font color = maroon size = 1>
Your pocket Bible will stop an assailant's bullet, but not before it passes through four innocent bystanders, a school-bus gas tank, and your genitals.
<font color = maroon size = 1>
Your pocket Bible will stop an assailant's bullet, but not before it passes through four innocent bystanders, a school-bus gas tank, and your genitals.