05-23-2005, 02:15 AM
Quote:Vader tells luke that the emperor has forseen the fact that luke will strike him down and that vader will then become the master with luke as his apprentice. was vader really that gullible that he didnt realize the emperor was far superior in strength to vader let alone luke that it was Vader who would be the one to fall.
Rolling Stone had a good interview with Lucas about the movies and their focus and this was explained in them. Basically Jedis are taught to be selfless and care about others more than themselves, but sith are selfish and look after their own interest. Vadar knowing he is just an arm of the emperor and not having any real power to himself would look to employ his son in the destruction of the emperor and there by ruling the galaxy with his son by his side. If you can read the interview I recommend it entirely. And you are right gonz, the last 20 minutes are just depressing but it does tie the story together rather nicely and it does do one thing effectively. It makes Darth Vadar a sympathetic and romantic character where you actually feel sorry for him after it is all said and done and when his redemption takes place in episode 6, you really feel good about it and it proves Padme's last words correct, There really was some good left in him
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