03-19-2002, 03:10 PM
Quote:damn it. i hate when people are vague. Come on, I need my dose of The OA.COM Soap Hour. Don't tell me I've got to go to the internet cafe tonight just to find out what's going on in this drama.
It's so much fun to be out of the loop, isn't it :pissed:
Sounds like the fan has gotten up to speed and the monkey is about to make the pitch
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<font color = maroon size = 1>
Your pocket Bible will stop an assailant's bullet, but not before it passes through four innocent bystanders, a school-bus gas tank, and your genitals.
<font color = maroon size = 1>
Your pocket Bible will stop an assailant's bullet, but not before it passes through four innocent bystanders, a school-bus gas tank, and your genitals.