04-19-2002, 04:28 PM
Quote:what is the movie based on dent? is it a book or what?Don't know. Could be original work. Found out about it on AICN. Hasn't gotten a lot of publicity yet.
Just thinking about giant fire breating flying reptiles destorying cities and knocking helicopters out of the sky. Everything the Matthew Broderick Godzilla wasn't.
If I was doing it, I'd make it some kind of revenge motivated war. Maybe explain how humans beat the dragons a thousand years ago and locked them away somewhere. Did read that the dragons will talk and have personalities, but be very reptilian and non-human.
In the article, they talked about how they brought in biologists and zooligists to discuss how a dragon might have evolved and how it would actually look, move, etc. They brought it down to bare essentials, and then added on a couple of horns and stuff because that's what audiences expect from a dragon.