04-18-2002, 08:18 PM
Quote:It is not our duty to defend the world from people who do things differently than we do.
Exactly! Two groups of people who have been fighting since the beginning of time...just let them be...both sides are wrong. They're going to either sort their shit out eventually, or wipe each other off the planet... wonder which leader's gonna get the gun to the back of his head first....
Israel is trying to draw us in to this bullshit, which will completely be our undoing if we get more involved than we already are. They called the Palestinians (who are just fighting for their own land) "terrorists," to keep our support, yet they are guilty of it as well (I'm not taking sides here when I see both clearly)...there's barely any mention on the news of how many innocent Palestinian civilians die at the hands of Isreali soldiers. If the US takes away support from Israel though, Israel is done for, surrounded by enemies that want them erradicated from the continent...
what a fucked up situation.....doesn't it say somewhere in the Bible that when the Israelites return to their homeland the end of the world is near? Well guess what folks...
<center>In the 60's people took acid to make the world weird. Now the world is weird and people take Prozac to make it normal.</center>