05-02-2002, 11:19 PM
I believe the rights you are talking about are called [b]Human Rights[quote] and yes children do fall under that catagory. But no they dont have the same rights as adults. Which means they can't think for themselves. So it's up to the parent to do the thinking. So if the child acts out in public it's up to the parent to solve the problem. And if the problem continues the parent needs to figure out better methods of problem solving.
As far as what i was saying about Metal talking like a hypocrite. He told me that if i go too a movie geared towardds kids i need to just deal with the shit. But at the same time he admitted that if he was in a situation with someone elses kid making a scene he would get mad at the parents. Well if i have to just deal with the shit so should he.
As far as what i was saying about Metal talking like a hypocrite. He told me that if i go too a movie geared towardds kids i need to just deal with the shit. But at the same time he admitted that if he was in a situation with someone elses kid making a scene he would get mad at the parents. Well if i have to just deal with the shit so should he.
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