06-11-2002, 12:27 AM
To add to the deeply philosophical discussion here.....we should look at the end results should either option come to fruition before it's expected time. With that in mind, pissing one's pants is usually less embarassing than shitting one's self. The aroma of a helathy dump in one's drawers, added with the "squishing" that is sure to occur is just awful. A simple piss in one's pants provides less "squishing" and an easier clean up. Washing piss out of one's shorts is a far simpler task than squeegeeing shit from one's underwear before throwing it into the wash. In fact, no one really does that. They usually just toss the offensive undergarment away. So pissing yourself saves money in thelong run over shitting yourself because you save money on the cost of underwear. Therefore, nothing is worse than shitting one's self. It is uncomfortable, embarassing, and financially irresponsible.