11-23-2004, 03:12 AM
Quote:those fans should not have been on the court. i say once a fan enters the court, they deserve to get their ass handed to them.
I agree...to a point. If a fan enters the court, you don't have the right to shoot him in the head. You have the right to take him down and contain him. O'Neal would've Kermit Washingtoned him if he hadn't slipped on his last step. Good, I have no sympathy really for the fat fuck...but there's a difference between force and excessive force. There's a line somewhere, it's blurry as hell though, but I think a running full-force right hook crosses that when you're a 7 foot professional athlete.
When a fan enters the field of play, he's fair game *within reason*. The question is, where does reason end?