03-29-2006, 01:39 AM
Black Lazerus Wrote:Hoon Wrote:Black Lazerus Wrote:this is so true.Hoon Wrote:now that its summer i can finally leave my windows open.
but like every spring, thats when i remember that all the neighbors on my street own at least two dogs and all of those dogs bark. non stop.
what happened to common decency?
when did we stop hitting our dogs if they woudnt shut up?
i see this as a reflection on society and the clear nosedive its taken in the past 50 years.
unfortunatley, i cant blame this on niggers because i live in an aryan neighborhood.
trash is trash no matter the color
it seems my whole town is littered with these types of underachievers.
its gotten so I barely leave my house anymore.
not out of fear of violence but out of fear of contracting SHABINESS!
see i had this happen to me and i called the department of public something or other. they promptly sent the pet police to my home to find out where the dogs were located and then they forced the neighbors to remove them.
no more dogs disturbing the gentle sounds of the ice cream truck and the wind blowing.
you've got it made.
i think it's a requirement that everyone in my neighborhood has to take a V8 motor apart and listen to Toby Keith albums too loud while leaving the engine parts in their driveways all summer.