11-26-2002, 03:28 PM
Why did they restart the tag match after the double pin, then restart it again after the illegal man made the pin, but they didn't bother restarting it after a belt shot lead to the liontamer? Are the writers that stupid?
Does ass cream and man ass = ratings?
Will RVD ever learn how to work?
When will they realize that Test is awful and will never get over?
Why make Bautista look like a chump already?
When will HHH just fall of the earth and die?
This show sucked...
Does ass cream and man ass = ratings?
Will RVD ever learn how to work?
When will they realize that Test is awful and will never get over?
Why make Bautista look like a chump already?
When will HHH just fall of the earth and die?
This show sucked...